Table of Contents
- --From Frontier Activism to Neo-Victorian Domesticity: Mormon Women in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries
Lawrence Foster, 3
- --New Light on the Sun: Emma Smith and the New York Sun Letter
Linda K. Newell and Valeen T. Avery, 23
- --One Man's Nauvoo: William Clayton's Experience in Mormon Illinois
James B. Allen, 37
- --Alice Smith Edwards: The Little Princess
Nancy Hiles Ishikawa, 61
- --Amasa Mason Lyman, the Spiritualist
Loretta L. Hefner, 75
- --Welfare before Welfare: Twentieth Century LDS Church Charity before the Great Depression
Bruce D. Blumell, 89
- --Winifred Graham and the Mormon Image
Malcolm R. Thorp, 107
- --History's Sequel: A Source Essay on Women in Mormon History
Carol Cornwall Madsen and David J. Whittaker, 123