"INST5260 - Learn and Apply HTML, Spring 2005" by Kevin Reeve

INST5260 - Learn and Apply HTML, Spring 2005

Kevin Reeve, Utah State University

Copyright 2008, by the Contributing Authors. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.


Welcome to Learn and Apply HTML, INST 5260. HTML is what tells the browser how to display your webpage you create. Even if you use a program like Microsoft Front Page or Macromedia Dreamweaver, behind the scenes, they are creating the HTML for you. This class was chosen as an exemplary course in 2002 in the WebCT exemplary course competition. It has since gone through 2 revisions including the latest one for Summer 2005. In the Spring of 2005 approximately 60 students in Hong Kong and mainland China took this class with an onsite facilitator assisting them.

Technical Requirements:

Macromedia Flash Player

Windows Media Player