"Information Literacy: Finding and Using Information, January 2009" by Heather Leary, Anne R. Diekema et al.

Information Literacy: Finding and Using Information, January 2009

Heather Leary, Utah State University
Anne R. Diekema, Utah State University
Wendy Holliday, Utah State University

Copyright 2008, by the Contributing Authors. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.


This course is for learning information literacy skills, especially those related to using an academic library and the Internet for college-level research. The course uses a modified problem-based learning approach to give you an authentic and hands-on experience with the subject matter. The purpose of this course is to help you learn about information, the tools that can be used to find, evaluate, and share it, and to practice the skills you have learned.

It is designed for students and teachers in higher education, but can be modified easily for other learners. The course assumes basic Internet capabilities (browser navigation and using search engines).