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Analysis Techniques for Incoherent-Scatter Data Interpretation in the 100-to-300 km Region
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Analysis Techniques for Incoherent-Scatter Data Interpretation in the 100-to-300 km Region
Stanford Research Institute
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This report examines the factors involved in the derivation of temperature information from Chatanika radar data by means of a least-squares fitting of theoretical autocorrelation functions (ACF) to the measured ACFs. The combined influence of these factors and the range of possible interpretations is shown for models of the auroral and daytime ionospheres. Finally, an indication is given of what remains to be examined and done to fully implement the least-squares fitting procedure.
Recommended Citation
Wickwar, V.B., Analysis Techniques for Incoherent-Scatter Data Interpretation in the 100-to-300 km region, Stanford Research Institute, Menlo Park, CA, 1974.