All Physics Faculty Publications
Rate Equation and Scaling for Fragmentation with Mass Loss
Document Type
Conference Paper
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Bulletin of the American Physical Society
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A linear rate equation describes fragmentation with continuous and discrete mass loss typified by consumption of porous reactive solids and two-phase heterogeneous solids. For a mass-dependent fragmentation rate xα and a continuous-mass-loss rate εxγ,σ=γ-α-1<0 yields a ‘‘recession regime’’ where small particles lose mass continuously without breaking, σ>0 yields a ‘‘fragmentation regime’’ where all particles break, and σ=0 yields scaling for α>0. Shattering for α<0 and σ≥0 is runaway fragmentation producing an infinte number of particles in a finite time, Exact and asymptotic solutions, exponent relations, and connections with static percolation are found.
Recommended Citation
"Rate Equation and Scaling for Fragmentation with Mass Loss," B. F. Edwards, M. Cai, and H. Han, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 34, 729 (1989).
Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 34, 729