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Determining Spatial Patterns, Processes and Properties of Soils Using Electromagnetic Measurements, D. A. Robinson, Scott B. Jones, T. Doyle, J. M. Blonquist, H. Abdu, V. Urdanoz, and R. Aragues; Determining Spatial Patterns, Processes and Properties of Soils Using Electromagnetic Measurements

Seed stratification of an Intermountain West chokecherry ecotype, L. Rowley, N. Phillips, and Brent Black; Journal of the American Pomological Society

Whole-genome analysis of the ammonia-oxidizing bacterium, Nitrosomonas eutropha C91: implications for niche adaptation, L. Y. Stein, D. J. Arp, P. M. Berube, P. S.G. Chain, L. Hauser, M. S. Jetten, M. G. Klotz, F. W. Larimer, Jeanette M. Norton, H. J. Camp, M. Shin, and X. Wei; Environmental Microbiology

A comparison of fruit quality and consumer preferences among three cold-climate strawberry production systems, M. D. Stevens, J. D. Lea-Cox, Brent Black, and J. A. Abbott; HortScience

Influence of humic substances on moisture retention and phosphorous uptake of putting greens, Adam Van Dyke, Paul Johnson, Paul Grossl, and Kelly L. Kopp; Agronomy Abstracts

Native and adapted species sod production for the Intermountain West, John Walker, Paul Johnson, Kelly L. Kopp, and Joseph Robins; Agronomy Abstracts

Relative salinity tolerance of Intermountain Western United States native herbaceous perennials, Nickolee Zollinger, Richard Koenig, Teresa Cerny-Koenig, and Roger Kjelgren; HortScience


Strawberry runner suppression with prohexadione-calcium, Brent Black; Acta Horticulturae


Micro-Structural and Phase Configuration Effects Determining Water Content: Dielectric Relationships of Aggregated Porous Media, J. M. Blonquist, Jr.; Scott B. Jones; I. Lebron; and D. A. Robinson; Water Resour. Res.

Water Conservation from Precise Irrigation Scheduling Using a Subsurface Electromagnetic Soil Moisture Sensor, J. M. Blonquist, Jr.; Scott B. Jones; and D. A. Robinson; Ag. Water Management

Evaluation of native and adapted grass species and their management for turfgrass applications in the Intermountain West, Landon Bunderson, Paul Johnson, and Kelly L. Kopp; Agronomy Abstracts


Pot-in-pot production of six Intermountain West native herbaceous perennial species grown in containers, Guillermos Cardoso, Roger Kjelgren, Teresa Cerny-Koenig, and Rich Koenig; Journal of Environmental Horticulture

Trichloroethylene Uptake by Apple and Peach Trees and Transfer to Fruit, B. Chard, W. Doucette, J. Chard, and Bruce Bugbee; Environ. Sci. and Technology

Interannual variation of the tropical cyclone activity over the Western North Pacific, T. C. Chen, Shih-Yu (Simon) Wang, and M. C. Yen; Journal of Climate

Variation of atmospheric pressure viewed from the Yu-Shan meteorological station, T. C. Chen, M. C. Yen, and Shih-Yu (Simon) Wang; Atmospheric Sciences

Effects of irrigation and mowing on species diversity of grass and wildflower mixtures for the Intermountain West, Daniel W. Dewey, Paul G. Johnson, and Roger Kjelgren; Native Plants Journal

Intermountain West native and adapted grass species and their management for turfgrass applications, Tracy Dougher, Toby Day, Paul Johnson, and Kelly L. Kopp; HortScience

A comparison of soil water potentials between traditional, non-native and native landscapes during a 3-Week dry down, James Gregory, David Chandler, and Kelly L. Kopp; USU Water Initiative's Spring Runoff Conference

Gross Nitrogen Transformations in an Agricultural Soil After Repeated Dairy-Waste Application, M. Y. Habteselassie, John M. Stark, B. E. Miller, S. G. Thacker, and Jeanette M. Norton; Soil Science Society of America Journal

Soil Nitrogen and Nutrient Dynamics After Repeated Application of Treated Dairy-Waste, M. Y. Habteselassie, John M. Stark, B. E. Miller, S. G. Thacker, and Jeanette M. Norton; Soil Science Society of America Journal

Integration of Heat Capacity and Electrical Conductivity Sensors for Root Module Water and Nutrient Assessment, R. Heinse, K. S. Lewis, Scott B. Jones, G. Kluitenberg, R. S. Austin, P. Shouse, and G. E. Bingham; SAE Technical Paper no. 2006-01-2211

An axenic culture system for optimal growth in long-term studies, A. Henry, W. Doucette, Jeanette M. Norton, S. Jones, J. Chard, and B Bugbee; Journal of Environmental Quality

Design and Maintenance of an Exenic Plant Culture System to Facilitate Optimal Growth in Long-Term Studies, A. Henry, W. Doucette, J. Norton, S. Jones, J. Chard, and Bruce Bugbee; Journal of Environmental Quality

Design and Maintenance of an Axenic Plant Culture System to Facilitate Optimal Growth in Long-Term Studies, A. Henry, J. Norton, Scott B. Jones, J. Chard, and B. Bugbee; J. Environ. Qual.

Contribution of awns to gas exchange of barley ears, Q Jiang, D Roche, S Durham, and David J. Hole; Photosynthetica

Carbon isotope discrimination of two-rowed and six-rowed barley genotypes under irrigated and non-irrigated field conditions, Q Jiang, D Roche, and D J. Hole; Canadian Journal of Plant Science

Stomatal Conductance is a Key Parameter to Assess Limitations to Photosynthesis and Growth Potential in Barley Genotypes, Q Jiang, D Roche, T A. Monaco, and David Hole; Plant Biology

A Subsurface Open-Ended TDR Probe for On-The-Go Mapping of Water Content, Scott B. Jones, D. A. Robinson, and S. P. Friedman; A Subsurface Open-Ended TDR Probe for On-The-Go Mapping of Water Content

Water Use of Liquidambar styraciflua Reciprocally Grown in Humid and Arid Climates, Roger Kjelgren, R. Beeson, and T. Montague; V International Symposium on Irrigation of Horticulture Crops


Evaluating a line source irrigation system for determining water requirements of herbaceous perennials, Roger Kjelgren and Teresa Cerny-Koenig; Journal of Environmental Horticulture

The complete genome sequence of the marine, chemolithoautotrophic, ammonia- oxidizing bacterium Nitrosococcus oceani ATCC19707, M. G. Klotz, D. J. Arp, P. S.G. Chain, A. F. El-Sheikh, L. J. Hauser, N. G. Hommes, F. W. Larimer, S. A. Malfatti, Jeanette M. Norton, A. T. Poret-Peterson, L. M. Vergez, and B. B. Ward; Applied Environmental and Microbiology

Turfgrass water use efficiency and quality, Kelly L. Kopp; Plants, Soils, and Biometeorology Departmental Seminar Series

Water conservation programs and the turfgrass industry, Kelly L. Kopp; Turf News

Landscape Water Conservation for Utah Homeowners, Kelly L. Kopp, Roger Kjelgren, Joanna Endter-Wada, Jennie M. Hoover, Diana Glenn, and Earl Jackson; Association of Natural Resource Extension Professionals Annual Conference

Native and adapted plants for water-efficiency in urban Utah landscapes, Heidi A. Kratsch, Kelly L. Kopp, Paul Johnson, and Roger Kjelgren; HortScience

Birdsfoot Trefoil, A Valuable Tannin-Containing Legume for Mixed Pastures, J. W. MacAdam, T. C. Griggs, P. R. Beuselinck, and J. H. Grabber; Forage & Grazinglands (Online)

Water conserving landscapes: An evaluation of landscape drought response and homeowner preference, Tony McCammon, Kelly L. Kopp, and Roger Kjelgren; USU Water Initiative's Spring Runoff Conference


Use of thermal dissipation probes to estimate water loss of containerized landscape trees, Thayne Montague and Roger Kjelgren; Journal of Environmental Horticulture

Water Use of Four Street Tree Species in Bangkok, Thailand, L. Puangchit, Roger Kjelgren, C. Sriladda, and M. Someechai; V International Symposium on Irrigation of Horticulture Crops

Modeling Structural and Thermal Effects on TDR Measurements in Granular Porous Media, D. A. Robinson, Scott B. Jones, Scott B. Jones, and S. P. Friedman; Modeling Structural and Thermal Effects on TDR Measurements in Granular Porous Media

Stewardship and the concept of yield in landscape water conservation, Larry A. Rupp and Roger Kjelgren; Stewardship and the Creation: LDS Perspectives on the Environment

Mechanism of Drug Resistance in Clonally Related Clinical Isolates of Vibrio fluvialis Isolated in Kolkata, India, Vijaya Bharathi Srinivasan, Rupinder Kaur Virk, Amita Kaundal, Rupa Chakraborty, Basabjit Datta, Thandavarayan Ramamurthy, Asish K. Mukhopadhyay, and Amit Gosh; Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy

Sustainability of coldclimate strawberry production systems, M. D. Stevens, Brent Black, J. D. Lea-Cox, and C. J. Haperman; Acta Horticulturae

Influence of humic substances on moisture retention and phosphate absorption of creeping bentgrass putting greens, Adam Van Dyke, Paul Johnson, Paul Grossl, and Kelly L. Kopp; Agronomy Abstracts

Drought responses of six ornamental herbaceous perennials, Nickolee Zollinger, Roger Kjelgren, Teresa Cerny-Koenig, Kelly Kopp, and Rich Koenig; Scientia Horticulturae

Drought responses of six ornamental herbaceous perennials, Nickolee Zollinger, Roger Kjelgren, Teresa Cerny-Koenig, Kelly L. Kopp, and Rich Koenig; Scientia Horticulturae


Autumn olive: Weed or new cash crop?, Brent Black and I. Fordham; Journal of North American Fruit Explorers

Fruit nitrogen content of sixteen strawberry genotypes grown in an advanced matted row production system, Brent Black, S. C. Hokanson, and K. Lewers; HortScience

The effects of conditioning strawberry plug plants under altered red/far red light environment on subsequent performance, Brent Black, H. J. Swartz, G. F. Deitzer, B. Butler, and C. K. Chandler; HortScience

A Time Domain Transmission Sensor with TDR Performance Characteristics, J. M. Blonquist, Jr.; Scott B. Jones; and D. A. Robinson; J. Hydrology

Standardizing Characterization of Electromagnetic Water Content Sensors: Part II. Evaluation of Seven Sensing Systems, J. M. Blonquist, Jr.; Scott B. Jones; and D. A. Robinson; Vadose Zone J.

Water Conservation from Precise Irrigation Scheduling Using a Subsurface Electromagnetic Soil Moisture Sensor, J. M. Blonquist, Jr.; Scott B. Jones; and D. A. Robinson; Water Conservation from Precise Irrigation Scheduling Using a Subsurface Electromagnetic Soil Moisture Sensor

Pot-in-pot production of Intermountain West native perennial wildflowers, G. Cardoso, Roger Kjelgren, T. Cerny-Koenig, and R. Koenig; ASHS Annual Meeting

Westward propagation of the Indian monsoon depression, T. C. Chen, J. H. Yoon, and Shih-Yu (Simon) Wang; Tellus

Uptake of Nonylphenol and Nonylphenol Ethoxylates by Crested Wheatgrass, W. B. Doucette, J. Chard, Bruce Bugbee, C. Naylor, J. Carbone, and R. Sims; Environ. Toxicology and Chemistry

Acclimation of Plant Populations to Shade: Photosynthesis, Respiration, and Carbon Use Efficiency, J. Frantz and Bruce Bugbee; Jour. Am. Soc. Hort. Sci.

Nonstructural Carbohydrate and Digestibility Patterns in Orchardgrass Swards During Daily Defoliation Sequences Initiated in Evening and Morning, T. C. Griggs, Jennifer W. MacAdam, H. F. Mayland, and J. C. Burns; Crop Science

Measurement of Porous Media Water Retention During Parabolic Flight Induced Microgravity, R. Heinse, S. D. Humphries, R. W. Mace, Scott B. Jones, S. L. Steinberg, M. Tuller, R. Newman, and D. Or; SAE Technical Paper no. 2005-01-2950

2005 Fall Planted Small Grains Performance Trails , David J. Hole and S M. Clawson; UAES Report 195

Standardizing Characterization of Electromagnetic Water Content Sensors: Part I. Methodology, Scott B. Jones; J. M. Blongquist, Jr.; D. A. Robinson; V. P. Rasmussen; and D. Or; Vadose Zone J.

Modeling and Design of Optimal Growth Media from Plant-Based Gas and Liquid Fluxes, Scott B. Jones, R. Heinse, G. B. Bingham, and D. Or; SAE Technical Paper no. 2005-01-2949

A TDR Coaxial Cell for Manipulation and Continuous Monitoring of Water Content and Electrical Conductivity in Variably Saturated Porous Media, Scott B. Jones, R. W. Mace, and D. Or; Vadose Zone J.

Thermal and Geometrical Effects on Bulk Permittivity of Porous Mixtures Containing Bound Water, Scott B. Jones and D. Or; Electromagnetic Aquametry

Shortwave Radiation, S. Klassen and Bruce Bugbee; Micrometeorology in Agriculture Systems

Evaluation of water use efficiency and carbon isotopic composition of tall fescue cultivars, Kelly L. Kopp and J. Scott Ebdon; Annual Meetings Abstracts CD-ROM

Clipping contributions to nitrate leaching from creeping bentgrass under varying irrigation and N rates, Kelly L. Kopp and Karl Guillard; International Turfgrass Society Research Journal

Clipping contributions to nitrate leaching from creeping bentgrass under varying irrigation and N rates, Kelly L. Kopp and Karl Guillard; 10th International Turfgrass Research Conference

Forage Nutritive Value of Irrigated Pasture Species for the intermountian West, Jennifer W. MacAdam and T. C. Griggs; Forage Nutritive Value of Irrigated Pasture Species for the Intermountain West

Evaluating student attitudes towards an interdisciplinary professional masters degree specializing in landscape water conservation as compared to a conventional MS degree, C. Myers-Roche and Roger Kjelgren; ASHS Annual Meeting


Porous Media Matric Potential and Water Content Measurements During Parabolic Flight, Joey H. Norikane, Scott B. Jones, Susan L. Steinberg, Howard G. Levine, and Dani Or; Habitation

A Physically-Derived Water Content/Permittivity Calibration Model for Coarse-Textured, Layered Soils, D. A. Robinson; Scott B. Jones; J. M. Blonquist, Jr.; and S. P. Friedman; Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J.

On the Effective Measurement Frequency of TDR in Dispersive and Non-Conductive Dielectric Materials, D. A. Robinson, M. G. Schapp, D. Or, and Scott B. Jones; Water Resour. Res.

Registration of 'Goldeneye' Spring Barley, D Roche, Davd J. Hole, R S. Albrechtsen, J W. Clawson, and S A. Young; Crop Science

Registration of 'Aquila' Spring Barley , D Roche, David J. Hole, R S. Albrechtsen, S M. Clawson, and S A. Young; Crop Science

Physical and Hydraulic Properties of Baked Ceramic Aggregates Used for Plant Growth Medium, S. Steinberg, G. Kluitenberg, Scott B. Jones, N. Diadzic, L. Reddi, M. Xiao, M. Tuller, R. Newman, D. Or, and I. Alexander; J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci.

Challenges to Understanding Fluid Behavior in Plant Growth Media Under Microgravity, S. L. Steinberg, Scott B. Jones, M. Xiao, L. Reddi, G. Kluitenberg, D. Or, J.I. D. Alexander, N. Daidzic, and M. Tuller; SAE Technical Paper no. 2005-01-2973

Growth and Water Relations of Littleleaf Linden Trees Established in Irrigated Buffalograss and Kentucky Bluegrass, J. Ryan Stewart, Roger Kjelgren, Paul G. Johnson, and Michael R. Kuhns; HortScience

Continuous Soil CO2 and O2 Measurements and Estimation of Gradient-Based Gaseous Flux, V. E. Turcu, Scott B. Jones, and D. Or; Vadose Zone J.

Spatially Characterizing Apparent Electrical Conductivity and Water Content of Surface Soils with Time Domain Reflectormetry, J. M. Wraith, D. A. Robinson, Scott B. Jones, and D. Long; Comp. Electron. Agric.

Salinity tolerance of eight ornamental herbaceous perennials, Nickolee Zollinger, Teresa Cerny-Koenig, Roger Kjelgren, Rich Koenig, and Kelly L. Kopp; HortScience

Drought responses of ornamental herbaceous perennials, Nickolee Zollinger, Roger Kjelgren, Teresa Cerny-Koenig, Rich Koenig, and Kelly L. Kopp; HortScience

Drought tolerance of selected native and adapted perennial herbaceous wildflowers, N. Zollinger, Roger Kjelgren, T. Cerny-Koenig, and R. Koenig; ASHS Annual Meeting

Salt tolerance of selected native and adapted perennial herbaceous wildflowers, N. Zollinger, Roger Kjelgren, T. Cerny-Koenig, and R. Koenig; ASHS Annual Meeting


Prohexadione-calcium decreases fall runners and advances branch crowns of 'Chandler' strawberry in a cold-climate annual production system, Brent Black; Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science

Nutrient Management in Recirculating Hydroponic Culture, Bruce Bugbee; Proceedings of the South Pacific Soiless Culture Conference

Pot-in-pot production of Intermountain West native perennial wildflowers, G. Cardoso, Roger Kjelgren, and T. Cerny; AAASPD Annual Meeting

Variation of the East Asian summer monsoon rainfall, T. C. Chen, Shih-Yu (Simon) Wang, W. R. Huang, and M. C. Yen; Journal of Climate

Role of the monsoon gyre in the interannual variation of tropical cyclone formation over the Western North Pacific, T. C. Chen, Shih-Yu (Simon) Wang, M. C. Yen, and W. A. Gallus; Weather Forecasting

Evaluation of Intermountain West native and adapted grass species and their management for turfgrass applications, Toby Day and Tracy Dougher; Intermountain Native Plant Summit III Abstracts

Species composition changes in a rooftop grass and wildflower meadow: Implication for designing successful mixtures, Daniel W. Dewey, Paul G. Johnson, and Roger Kjelgren; Native Plants Journal

Long-Term Blue Light Effects on the Histology of Lettuce and Soybean Leaves and Stems, T. Dougher and Bruce Bugbee; Jour. Am. Soc. Hort. Sci.

Relationships between water use efficiency, carbon isotope discrimination, and turf performance in genotypes of Kentucky bluegrass during drought, J. S. Ebdon and Kelly L. Kopp; Crop Science

Quantifying potential water conservation for landscape vegetation in Egypt by integrating remote sensing and GIS, F. Farag, C. Neale, Roger Kjelgren, and N. Yakoub; Regional Arab Water Conference

Night Temperature has a Minimal Effect on Respiration and Growth in Rapidly Growing Plants, J. Frantz, N. Cometti, and Bruce Bugbee; Ann. Botany

Characterizing the Environmental Response of a Gibberellic Acid Deficient Rice for Use as a Model Crop, J. Frantz, D. Pinnock, S. Klassen, and Bruce Bugbee; Agronomy Journal

Exploring the Limits of Crop Productivity: Beyond the Limits of Tipburn in Lettuce, J. Frantz, G. Ritchie, N. Cometti, J. Robinson, and Bruce Bugbee; Jour. Am. Soc. Hort. Sci.

Daily Carbohydrate and Digestibility Patterns in Orchardgrass Sward Horizons, T. C. Griggs and Jennifer W. MacAdam; Daily Carbohydrate and Digestibility Patterns in Orchardgrass Sward Horizons

Integrating Daily Patterns of Pasture Soluble Carbohydrate Level and Grazing Behavior, T. C. Griggs, Jennifer W. MacAdam, H. F. Mayland, and J. C. Burns; Amer. Assn. Advance. Sci

Nitrate leaching from lawn turf receiving different nitrogen fertilizers, Karl Guillard and Kelly L. Kopp; Journal of Environmental Quality

Influence of plant storage duration on strawberry runner tip viability and field performance, S. C. Hokanson, F. Takeda, J. M. Enns, and Brent Black; HortScience