DigitalCommons@USU - Restoring the West Conference: Developing Riparian Ecological Site Descriptions

Developing Riparian Ecological Site Descriptions

Presenter Information

Sarah Quistberg


Ellen Eccles Conference Center

Event Website


Riparian complexes have largely been neglected in the development of ecological site descriptions. Recent development by the NRCS of the “Lotic Riparian Complex Ecological Site Descriptions: Guidelines for Development” and an interagency riparian work group sponsored by the NRCS has renewed interest in developing ecological sites for riparian complexes. The task of describing riparian corridors has been undertaken by different agencies over several decades. NRCS is bringing together past work and utilizing it to create ecological site descriptions and state and transition models that describe the complexity and resiliency of riparian corridors. Information will be presented on riparian ecological sites developed in Utah.

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Oct 21st, 9:50 AM Oct 21st, 10:00 AM

Developing Riparian Ecological Site Descriptions

Ellen Eccles Conference Center

Riparian complexes have largely been neglected in the development of ecological site descriptions. Recent development by the NRCS of the “Lotic Riparian Complex Ecological Site Descriptions: Guidelines for Development” and an interagency riparian work group sponsored by the NRCS has renewed interest in developing ecological sites for riparian complexes. The task of describing riparian corridors has been undertaken by different agencies over several decades. NRCS is bringing together past work and utilizing it to create ecological site descriptions and state and transition models that describe the complexity and resiliency of riparian corridors. Information will be presented on riparian ecological sites developed in Utah.