Of Fire, Sage Grouse and Our Federal Lands
USU Eccles Conference Center
Event Website
Title: Tree-Ring Reconstructions of Fire and Forest Histories: Providing the “What” and “Why” for Forest Restoration help Presenters: Peter M. Brown
This presentation will explore the political, policy and science landscape of sage grouse, the sage brush steppe ecosystem and fire. It will discuss what has happened since the November 2012 conference The Next Steppe, held in Boise and the authors presentation there, "Why All This Matters." J
Of Fire, Sage Grouse and Our Federal Lands
USU Eccles Conference Center
This presentation will explore the political, policy and science landscape of sage grouse, the sage brush steppe ecosystem and fire. It will discuss what has happened since the November 2012 conference The Next Steppe, held in Boise and the authors presentation there, "Why All This Matters." J
John Freemuth is a Professor of Public Policy and Senior Fellow for Environment and Public Lands, School of Public Service, Boise State University