
Technical Session IV: Bold New Missions Using Cutting Edge Technology


Two upgraded Starshine satellites will fly in the fall of 2001. Starshine 2 will fly on NASA’s Space Shuttle Endeavor on November 29 and will carry 846 student-polished mirrors, 31 laser retroreflectors, and a cold-gas spin system. Starshine 3 will fly as the primary payload on NASA’s Kodiak Star mission on August 31 out of Kodiak, AK. It will carry 1500 student-polished mirrors, 31 laser retroreflectors, an array of state-of-the-art solar cells and experimental integrated power supplies, and a VHF communication system. It will be deployed from the Athena I launch vehicle by a Lightband separation system.


Aug 14th, 3:00 PM

Starshine Missions in 2001

Two upgraded Starshine satellites will fly in the fall of 2001. Starshine 2 will fly on NASA’s Space Shuttle Endeavor on November 29 and will carry 846 student-polished mirrors, 31 laser retroreflectors, and a cold-gas spin system. Starshine 3 will fly as the primary payload on NASA’s Kodiak Star mission on August 31 out of Kodiak, AK. It will carry 1500 student-polished mirrors, 31 laser retroreflectors, an array of state-of-the-art solar cells and experimental integrated power supplies, and a VHF communication system. It will be deployed from the Athena I launch vehicle by a Lightband separation system.