
Affordable electronics and radiation-hardened electronics have often been mutually exclusive terms. Recent activities at the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) and other government organizations are focused on vastly improving the availability and affordability of high-performance rad-hard electronics to put them into the price range of small satellites. The projects include the development of an advanced FPGA, structured ASICs, 16-Mbit SRAMs, and hardened versions of commercial devices such as a Texas Instrument 1394 chip set.

SSC08-XI-5.pdf (1034 kB)
Presentation Slides


Aug 14th, 9:30 AM

Affordable Rad-Hard – An Impossible Dream?

Affordable electronics and radiation-hardened electronics have often been mutually exclusive terms. Recent activities at the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) and other government organizations are focused on vastly improving the availability and affordability of high-performance rad-hard electronics to put them into the price range of small satellites. The projects include the development of an advanced FPGA, structured ASICs, 16-Mbit SRAMs, and hardened versions of commercial devices such as a Texas Instrument 1394 chip set.