Session VIII: Instruments/Science
Active and adaptive wavefront control can be useful on space platforms for a variety of observation applications. For example, to achieve high contrast imaging to a level of 1e-10 with a coronagraph (required to image an Earth- like planet around a Sun-like star), space telescopes require high spatial frequency wavefront control systems. To achieve intersatellite links through the atmosphere, wavefront correction is needed to counter the effects of atmospheric turbulence and scintillation. For deployable apertures, active correction is desired to properly align and calibrate optical systems. Deformable mirrors (DMs) are a key element of a wavefront control system, as they correct for imperfections, thermal distortions, and diffraction that would otherwise corrupt the wavefront and ruin the measurement. High-actuator count mirrors are required to achieve the desired level of correction on space telescopes, but this key technology lacks spaceflight heritage. The goal of the CubeSat Deformable Mirror (DeMi) technology demonstration mission is to characterize a microelectromechanical system (MEMS) deformable mirror and to demonstrate its ability to perform modest wavefront correction on a nanosatellite platform.
DeMi is a 6U CubeSat that houses a 2U optical payload. The payload is a custom optical bench with a Boston Micromachines deformable mirror and custom-modified driver electronics to fit within a CubeSat system. The payload is expected to drawbus, which uses a combination of COTS components and custom interface boards to provide power, pointing knowledge and control, position knowledge, thermal stability, command and data interface, and communications.
In this paper, we present the payload design and describe two key applications: (1) as a component technology demonstration of MEMS DMs for next-generation space telescopes, and (2) as a component technology demonstration for small satellite intersatellite optical links (for either communications or atmospheric sounding laser occultation). We also present results from a payload laboratory hardware demonstration and describe progress towards the flight design and build for this CubeSat mission.
Improving Nanosatellite Imaging with Adaptive Optics
Active and adaptive wavefront control can be useful on space platforms for a variety of observation applications. For example, to achieve high contrast imaging to a level of 1e-10 with a coronagraph (required to image an Earth- like planet around a Sun-like star), space telescopes require high spatial frequency wavefront control systems. To achieve intersatellite links through the atmosphere, wavefront correction is needed to counter the effects of atmospheric turbulence and scintillation. For deployable apertures, active correction is desired to properly align and calibrate optical systems. Deformable mirrors (DMs) are a key element of a wavefront control system, as they correct for imperfections, thermal distortions, and diffraction that would otherwise corrupt the wavefront and ruin the measurement. High-actuator count mirrors are required to achieve the desired level of correction on space telescopes, but this key technology lacks spaceflight heritage. The goal of the CubeSat Deformable Mirror (DeMi) technology demonstration mission is to characterize a microelectromechanical system (MEMS) deformable mirror and to demonstrate its ability to perform modest wavefront correction on a nanosatellite platform.
DeMi is a 6U CubeSat that houses a 2U optical payload. The payload is a custom optical bench with a Boston Micromachines deformable mirror and custom-modified driver electronics to fit within a CubeSat system. The payload is expected to drawbus, which uses a combination of COTS components and custom interface boards to provide power, pointing knowledge and control, position knowledge, thermal stability, command and data interface, and communications.
In this paper, we present the payload design and describe two key applications: (1) as a component technology demonstration of MEMS DMs for next-generation space telescopes, and (2) as a component technology demonstration for small satellite intersatellite optical links (for either communications or atmospheric sounding laser occultation). We also present results from a payload laboratory hardware demonstration and describe progress towards the flight design and build for this CubeSat mission.