DigitalCommons@USU - Utah Space Grant Consortium: Development of the Vortex Structure in the Near Field of a NACA 0015 Airfoil


Presenter Information

Todd Lawton, Utah State University


University of Utah

Start Date

5-10-1999 9:30 AM


Current summary of research performed on a NACA 0015 airfoil in USU's low speed windtunnel. The structure and development of the vortex are to be analyzed in the near field region, extending from above the tip of the airfoil back to 1 chord length behind the trailing edge. Velocity data is collected using a triple sensor hot-wire anemometer, enabling the determination of the flow characteristics including mean flow rates, turbulence levels, and strain rates. This data is to be collected with various combinations of Reynolds number, angles of attack, and airfoil geometry. This will lead to a collection of data that will help further the understanding of how vortices are created and how the vortex is changed by the parameters listed above.


May 10th, 9:30 AM

Development of the Vortex Structure in the Near Field of a NACA 0015 Airfoil

University of Utah

Current summary of research performed on a NACA 0015 airfoil in USU's low speed windtunnel. The structure and development of the vortex are to be analyzed in the near field region, extending from above the tip of the airfoil back to 1 chord length behind the trailing edge. Velocity data is collected using a triple sensor hot-wire anemometer, enabling the determination of the flow characteristics including mean flow rates, turbulence levels, and strain rates. This data is to be collected with various combinations of Reynolds number, angles of attack, and airfoil geometry. This will lead to a collection of data that will help further the understanding of how vortices are created and how the vortex is changed by the parameters listed above.