
2024 Session 4


Salt Lake Community College Westpointe Campus, Salt Lake City, UT

Start Date

5-6-2024 11:20 AM


Meanline performance models have a rich history in the design of radial flow pumps and compressors. These models are typically based on point data, such as static pressures and temperature measurements at walls, along with occasional traverses to capture additional flow field details. These point measurements, while valuable, do not fully characterize the internal flow behavior within the machine. The Two-Zone model, developed by Japikse and others, is a meanline model based on these measurements to predict machine performance. It posits that the flow at the impeller exit consists of two distinct zones: a primary zone assumed to be isentropic and a secondary zone where losses occur. Accurate prediction of power relies on correctly inferring the fraction of mass flow in the secondary zone and the deviation angle in both primary and secondary zones from available data. However, ensuring the uniqueness of the inferred parameters within the Two-Zone model structure remains challenging. To address this, we extract specific impeller exit flow field details from Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations. By analyzing flow fields obtained through CFD, we calculate the model parameters for ten radial flow machines. These derived two-zone parameters are then employed to predict power output for each machine. The Two-Zone predictions closely align with experimental data, exhibiting an average error of only 3.5%.

Available for download on Tuesday, July 01, 2025


May 6th, 11:20 AM

Determining the Exit State of Centrifugal Pumps and Compressors

Salt Lake Community College Westpointe Campus, Salt Lake City, UT

Meanline performance models have a rich history in the design of radial flow pumps and compressors. These models are typically based on point data, such as static pressures and temperature measurements at walls, along with occasional traverses to capture additional flow field details. These point measurements, while valuable, do not fully characterize the internal flow behavior within the machine. The Two-Zone model, developed by Japikse and others, is a meanline model based on these measurements to predict machine performance. It posits that the flow at the impeller exit consists of two distinct zones: a primary zone assumed to be isentropic and a secondary zone where losses occur. Accurate prediction of power relies on correctly inferring the fraction of mass flow in the secondary zone and the deviation angle in both primary and secondary zones from available data. However, ensuring the uniqueness of the inferred parameters within the Two-Zone model structure remains challenging. To address this, we extract specific impeller exit flow field details from Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations. By analyzing flow fields obtained through CFD, we calculate the model parameters for ten radial flow machines. These derived two-zone parameters are then employed to predict power output for each machine. The Two-Zone predictions closely align with experimental data, exhibiting an average error of only 3.5%.