"Addressing Light Pollution at Utah State University" by Rachel Nydegger

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6th Annual Intermountain Sustainability Summit at Weber State University


Many outdoor light fixtures illuminate in all directions, meaning that a large por- tion of light emitted is sent upwards. This excess of light light pollution – repre- sents wasted energy and money, decreases public safety, harms nocturnal and migra- tory animals, and destroys our view of the night sky. While Utah State University Facilities does have a program in place to retrofit light fixtures, and newly installed fixtures are chosen with light pollution in consideration, many of the light posts on campus continue to pollute the night sky. With the support of the Student Sustain- ability Offices Blue Goes Green grant and USU Facilities, fixtures in a parking lot to the East of the Industrial Science building are being equipped with better shielded LED fixtures, which will greatly reduce the light pollution and decrease the cost of the night-time light- ing. As this issue is underpublicized, the project includes sev- eral outreach events and the creation of educational plaques to place in the parking lot. This poster provides an overview of the light replacement project and related issues.


Poster presented at the 6th Annual Intermountain Sustainability Summit at Weber State University on March 5th. PDF of poster is available for download.

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Physics Commons



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