Utah State University Digital History Collections
Logan's Historical Newspaper Collection
Document Type
Digital Collection
Merrill-Cazier Library
This digital collection of Logan's local newspaper spans 1879 to 1898 when Logan is busy building its infrastructure of roads , waterworks, and public buildings. During these years, Logan builds its Mormon temple, Ogden installs gas street lights, and the Territory of Utah becomes a state. The Utah and Northern Railway is the area's railroad while Utah Agricultural College is its first state college. Logging, railroads, and runaway horses account for most of the reported accidents. People entertain themselves with balls, lectures, traveling circuses and dramatic productions, as well as Mormon church activities. Ads are replete with miraculous curatives: cancer can be cured by drinking red clover tea; hop bitters can revitalize "feeble ladies"; Warner's "safe" remedies are good for just about everything, from constipation and diabetes to nervous prostration; and $10 audiophones can help the deaf hear through their teeth! The fashions, culture, and economy of the times can be gleaned from both articles and ads. Logan businesses tout their goods alongside ads for San Francisco hotels, retail stores, and professional services. In addition to news and ads, the paper offers cautionary tales, romances, and other stories to entertain and educate its readers. Quotations and sayings liberally sprinkle its pages. National and foreign news items cover politics, trade, trials, and wars, as well as chatty gossip about English royalty and the troubles in Ireland. Before becoming today's Herald Journal, Logan's newspaper had four different titles: Logan Leader (1879-1882), Utah Journal (1882-1889), Logan Journal (1889-1891), and Journal (1892-1931). This digitized collection begins in 1879 with the Logan Leader and ends in 1898 with the Journal.
Recommended Citation
"Logan's Historical Newspaper Collection" (2011). Utah State University Digital History Collections. Paper 14.