Aspen Bibliography

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Western Aspen Alliance, Utah State University

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Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.


In partnership with Snyderville Basin Special Recreation District (SBSRD), we undertook a study of ecological conditions and user preferences within a quaking aspen recreational destination forest. The location, in two sections know as Run-A-Muk and Right Turn Sage (RAM/RTS), has experienced some forest die-off in the principally aspen dominated forest dissected by ski, bike, and hiking trails. Graduate student Georgie Corkery led the study and successfully completed a Master's degree, in addition to providing needed information to SBSRD regarding the status, uses, and preferred actions at this facility. Key outcomes regarding aspen conditions include assigning causal factors—ungulate browsing and elevated saline levels in soils—to specific locations at this recreational facility. We describe other key factors, as well as geographic location of aspen forests in both poor and good condition. Further, this report helps us better understand the value of aspen portions of this trail system to visitors, as well as what potential management actions they favor. The combination of physical and social aspects in this study is unique; cumulatively, they provide added dimensions not often seen in science and management endeavors that will holistically inform future actions at SBSRD, as well as at aspen recreation sites elsewhere.
