Efecto de la Densidad Poblacional de Megachile rotundata Fab. En la Polinizacion de Alfalfa
Experimental work carried on during the growing seasons of 1971-72, and 1972-73, in the valley of Curacaví, Santiago province, Chile, to ascertain the relations among different populations of the Alfalfa leafcutting bee, Megachile rotundata, and the distance from their field domiciles, showed that an initial population of 30,000 nests per domicile had better yield, expressed in per cent pollination, than initial populations of 20,000 and 10,000 nests. The correlation between distance from domicile and percent of pollination for the different populations examined, were, generally, negative, which proves that the per cent of pollination decreases as the domicile is farther. It was further proved that the higher population of bees had a wider flight range than lower populations.