Presentation of radiometric measurements and calibration methods using the Sun, Moon, stars, and other celestial objects in the ultra-violet, visible, and infrared wavelengths

Session Chair: Tom Stone, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)

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Tuesday, June 19th
10:05 AM

ARCSTONE: Calibration of Lunar Spectral Reflectance

Constantine Lukashin, NASA Langley Research Center
Trevor Jackson, NASA Langley Research Center
Michael Cooney, NASA Langley Research Center
Noah Ryan, NASA Langley Reseach Center
Joshua Beverly, NASA Langley Research Center
Cindy Young, NASA Langley Research Center
Gugu Rutherford, NASA Langley Research Center
Warren Davis, NASA Langley Research Center
Thuan Nguyen, NASA Langley Research Center
Randy Swanson, Resonon Inc.
Michael Kehoe, Resonon Inc.
Michael Stebbins, Resonon Inc.
Greg Kopp, University of Colorado/Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP)
Tom Stone, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)

10:05 AM

10:30 AM

Applications of GOES-16 ABI Lunar North-South Scan (NSS): Detector Out-of-Field, Blooming and Uniformity Responses

Fangfang Yu, ERT, Inc. @NOAA/NESDIS/STAR
Haifeng Qian, ERT, Inc. @ NOAA/NESDIS/STAR

10:30 AM

10:55 AM

air-LUSI: Airborne LUnar Spectral Irradiance Mission

Kevin Turpie, University of Maryland - Baltimore County

10:55 AM

11:20 AM

The Aerospace Spectral Energy Distribution (ASED) Program - 2018 Update

Ray W. Russell, The Aerospace Corporation
Richard Rudy, The Aerospace Corporation
Sloane Wiktorowicz, The Aerospace Corporation
George Rossano, The Aerospace Corporation
Jon Mauerhan, The Aerospace Corporation
John Subasavage, The Aerospace Corporation
Daryl Kim, The Aerospace Corporation
Kirk Crawford, The Aerospace Corporation
David Gutierrez, The Aerospace Corporation
Michael Owens, The Aerospace Corporation

11:20 AM

11:45 AM

Using the Moon as a Calibration Source for a Fleet of Satellites

Arin Jumpasut, Planet
Adriana Fukuzato, Planet
Ignacio Zuleta, Planet

11:45 AM