Examining small satellite payload calibration testing processes and methods, including accuracy and precision, to discover ways to reduce cost and schedule while still meeting mission requirements

Session Chair: Kristen Lemke, Utah State University/Space Dynamics Laboratory

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Tuesday, September 13th
2:10 PM

VENμS Mission Evolutions and Radiometric Performances During VM5 In-orbit Test Phase

A. Dick, Centre National D’Etudes Spatiales (CNES)
G. Dedieu, Centre D’Etudes Spatiales de La Biosphere (CESBIO)
O. Hagolle, Centre D’Etudes Spatiales de La Biosphere (CESBIO)
J-L. Raynaud, Centre National D’Etudes Spatiales (CNES)
S. Pelou, Centre National D’Etudes Spatiales (CNES)
M. Farges, Magellium
C. Peschoud, CS Group

2:10 PM

2:50 PM

Adaptive Calibration of CubeSat Radiometer Constellations

John Bradburn, University of Albany, SUNY
Mustafa Aksoy, University of Albany, SUNY

2:50 PM

3:30 PM

EarthDaily Analytics - Delivering Scientific Imagery of our Planet for a Sustainable Future

Keith Beckett, EarthDaily Analytics
Paul Cottle, EarthDaily Analytics
Chris Rampersad, EarthDaily Analytics
Rob Irwin, EarthDaily Analytics

3:30 PM