The Influence of Various Temperatures and Stratification Treatments on the Dry Weight Responses of Several Western Conifers Under Controlled Environmental Conditions
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Many silvicultural problems stem from the difficulty of seedling establishment, particularly in the western United States. A great deal of this difficulty is due to climatic reasons, therefore, if this problem is to be solved it seems logical to break the climate down in parts and study the influence that each part has on the plant. After the individual climatic factors are understood in their relation to the plant, then it may be possible to study plant growth under natural climatic condition and be able to interpret the results. Because of the scarcity of studies on temperature influence on the plant this study has been directed mainly at temperature with some influence of seed stratification included. As the author searched the literature it became apparent that in the particular field of plant weight production and top-root distribution there were only a few studies involved and all of these were not on forest species. Under these conditions the review of literature was expanded to include the influences of temperature on weight production, top-root distribution, seed storage, physiological responses, and ecological manifestations. The study was broken down into two catagories. The first part included the effects of length of seed stratification and various temperatures on seedling vigor, weight production, and top-root distribution in the absence of light and nutrients. The second part encompassed the effects of temperature and time on weight production and top-root distribution in the presence of nutrients and constant light.
Recommended Citation
Hook, Donal D. (1962). The influence of various temperatures and stratification treatments on the dry weight responses of several western conifers under controlled environmental conditions. MS. 64p.
This item is a thesis published by a student who attended Utah State University. Abstract can be accessed through the remote link. Fulltext not available online.