Date of Award:


Document Type:


Degree Name:

Master of Science (MS)


Plants, Soils, and Climate

Department name when degree awarded

Soil Science and Biometeorology

Committee Chair(s)

R. J. Wagenet


R. J. Wagenet


J. J. Jurinak


W. F. Campbell


D. L. Turner


A greenhouse study was conducted involving interactive effects on bean yield of three levels of irrigation water salinity, three frequencies of irrigation water app li cation, two level s of nitrogen, and seven levels of phosphorus fertilization to determine if the effects of adverse saline conditions or water stress could be overcome by fertility and/or saline water management.

Dry matter and bean yields were reduced with decreasing irrigation frequency (2 days to 8 days) and increasing salinity of irrigation water (0.5 mmho/cm to 8.0 mmho/cm). At low salinity levels (0.5 mmho/cm) dry matter production and the number of pods per pot were increased with the addition of nitrogen in the irrigation water (at the rate of 112 kg N/ha). The application of banded fertilizer phosphorus helped beans overcome the effects of saline conditions and water stress and resulted in increased yield. The application of liquid 10-34-0 fertilizer produced a statistically significant increase in all yield parameters at every level of salinity, and every irrigation frequency studied. Nitrogen fixation was found to decrease as irrigation water salinity increased. The application of 0-50-40 as a fertilizer band treatment increased nitrogen fixation in t he presence of added nitrogen, due probably to the presence of potassium.


