Date of Award:


Document Type:


Degree Name:

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Committee Chair(s)

Matthew W. Harris


Matthew W. Harris


Tianyi He


Douglas Hunsaker


Greg Droge


Burak Sarsılmaz


One common metric to use when designing a controller is the time that the system will take to reach the desired state. Unfortunately, many approaches to developing controllers only guarantee that the system will approach, but not exactly reach, the desired state. This can become a limitation in time-sensitive situations where rapid and complete convergence is necessary. One group of control methods, known as finite-time control, does guarantee both faster convergence and that the desired state will be reached, but often fails to define exactly what time that will occur, how much control will be used to get there, and how much error the system will experience before arriving. This dissertation examines a selection of control laws which guarantee finite-time stability. Each control law has parameters which can be selected, and the relationship between those parameters and the controller performance are analyzed. This allows for easier and faster design of controllers which guarantee finite-time convergence and also allows for other system behaviors to be designed for. The tuned control laws were tested and validated in simulations which modeled the rendezvous between two spacecraft.
