Date of Award:
Document Type:
Degree Name:
Master of Science (MS)
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Committee Chair(s)
Douglas F. Hunsaker
Douglas F. Hunsaker
Som Dutta
Thomas H. Fronk
Jeffrey D. Taylor
This thesis presents an improved vortex wake model for unstructured, supersonic panel methods. Panel methods are numerical methods that utilize inviscid flow assumptions and other simplifications to allow efficient computation of pressure distributions, velocity fields, and aerodynamic forces. They are commonly used for preliminary design, automatic design codes, and automatic optimization routines. Most existing supersonic panel methods do not include automatic wake generation and relaxation. This prevents the accurate analysis of many geometries, including those with conventional horizontal stabilizers or canards. This thesis first outlines the derivation of a relaxable generalized supersonic vortex filament equation. Next, it explores other necessary developments required to implement this equation. The equation is then shown to match existing canonical cases within expected numerical precision. Finally, studies using wake relaxation are presented. These comparisons show that the presented model converges to a single solution and allows for the computation of complex geometries, providing the assumptions are representative of the cases analyzed.
Recommended Citation
Hurwitz, Joshua J., "A Relaxable Vortex Wake Model for Modern Supersonic Panel Methods" (2024). All Graduate Theses and Dissertations, Fall 2023 to Present. 374.
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