Engaging Students through Online Polling

Chris Hartwell, Utah State University


When instructing in any classroom, and particularly in a distance broadcast environment, getting input and participation from students can be a difficult task. This session will demonstrate how to use Poll Everywhere (www.polleverywhere.com) as one way to increase student engagement and participation. Poll Everywhere allows you to ask open-ended questions, brainstorm ideas, and ask multiple-choice questions - all of which can be answered by students using their laptop computers, cell phones, and/or tablets. This session will introduce this online resource (including both pros and cons), and demonstrate some of the ways that I have used it effectively in my classroom.

Aug 17th, 12:00 AM

Engaging Students through Online Polling

When instructing in any classroom, and particularly in a distance broadcast environment, getting input and participation from students can be a difficult task. This session will demonstrate how to use Poll Everywhere (www.polleverywhere.com) as one way to increase student engagement and participation. Poll Everywhere allows you to ask open-ended questions, brainstorm ideas, and ask multiple-choice questions - all of which can be answered by students using their laptop computers, cell phones, and/or tablets. This session will introduce this online resource (including both pros and cons), and demonstrate some of the ways that I have used it effectively in my classroom.