"The Role of Gap Filaments in Muscle and in Meat" by R. H. Locker

Food Structure


R. H. Locker

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.


The neglected "gap filaments" are now beginning to receive close attention in several centers, in terms of organisation, composition and function. The author's model for their connections gave them a role as cores to A-filaments. This review attempts to weigh the implications of such a role, and relevant evidence, old and new. New ideas arising largely from PAGE*and immunochemkal studies on candidate proteins, and from the developing concept of the cytoskeleton, are considered.

The author's theory of meat tenderness, based on G-filaments, has been tested by PAGE studies on changes in the large structural proteins (particularly titin and nebulin) during tenderising treatments. The results, together with those from parallel work elsewhere, are in some conflict with the theory.

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