Educational Policies Committee
Document Type
Curriculum Subcommittee Agenda
Old Main 136 (Champ Hall Conference Room)
Publication Date
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Program Proposals
- Offering a PhD in Career and Technical Education
- Changing the name of the Bachelor of Interior Design to Bachelor of Interior Architecture and Design
- Changing the name of the Bachelor of Music Piano Performance emphasis to Piano Performance and Pedagogy with the intent to de-activate the Bachelor of Music Piano Pedagogy emphasis
- Discontinuing the Bachelor of Music Piano Pedagogy degree
- Including a Quantitative Economic History emphasis in the BS/BA degree in Economics
- Adding emphases in Hotel Management and Wealth Management to the BS/BA degree in Management
- Relocating the Minor in Hospitality and Tourism Management from the Department of Marketing and Strategy, and Renaming the program Hotel Management
- Changing the Department name from Management Information Systems to Data Analytics and Information Systems
- Changing the name of the Minor in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering to a Minor in Mechanical Engineering
- Changing the name of the Master of Science degree in Health and Human Movement to Master of Science in Kinesiology
- Changing the name of the Bachelor of Science degree in Health and Human Movement to Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology
- Offering a Minor in Outdoor Adventure Leadership
- Changing the department name from Special Education and Rehabilitation to Special Education and Rehabilitation Counseling
Semester Course Approval Reviews
- Community Engagement and Service Learning Course Designation
- Continuing Education Unit 5700 Courses Discussion
Recommended Citation
Utah State University, "Curriculum Subcommittee Agenda, November 7, 2019" (2019). Educational Policies Committee. Paper 556.