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This Final Supplement to the Final Environmental Statement (FES) to the Dolores Project describes project modifications since completion of the 1977 Final Environmental Statement on May 9, 1977, (FES 77-12) and a Finding of No Significant Impact approved May 11, 1981, for the addition of two hydroelectric powerplants to the project. The project modifications include adding salinity control and changing the alignment of the Towaoc Canal from west of Cortez, Colorado, to the east of the city. In addition, refinements would be made to the project plan by deleting Monument Creek Reservoir and the Cortez-Towaoc Municipal and Industrial Pipeline from the plan; combining the capacities of two pumping plants into one plant near Dove Creek, Colorado; constructing a delivery pumping plant near Cahone, Colorado, as an economical alternative to increasing pipe size; increasing the capacities of the McPhee and Towaoc Powerplants; and improving the operation, maintenance, and replacement of the project by installing a computerized system.
Recommended Citation
United States Department of the Interior, "Dolores Project Colorado, Final Supplement to the Final Environmental Statement" (1988). All U.S. Government Documents (Utah Regional Depository). Paper 304.
United States Department of the Interior Environmental Impact Statement and Related Material. SuDocs call # I 1.98:D 69/2.