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The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is evaluating its options for two separate but related sets of decisions pertinent to the mangement of the spent nuclear fuel (SNF) for which the DOE is responsible. As a result, this Environmental Impact Statemt (EIS) is divided into two parts. Volume 1 involves programmatic (DOE-wide) approaches to the management of DOE's SNF. Volume 2 discusses site-specific approaches for environmental restoration and waste management activities at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, including SNF management. This EIS has been prepared in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act and its applicable implementing regulations (40 CFR Parts 1500-1508 and 10 CFR Part 1021).
Recommended Citation
United States Department of Energy, "Department of Energy Programmatic Spent Nuclear Fuel Management and Idaho National Engineering Laboratory Environmental Restoration and Waste Management Programs Final Environmental Impact Statement, Volume 1" (1995). All U.S. Government Documents (Utah Regional Depository). Paper 368.
United States Department of Energy Environmental Impact Statement. SuDocs call# E 1.20:0203-F/V.1