Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program Arid Ecosystems 1992 Pilot Report

W. G. Kepner
Environmental Protection Agency



The Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP) is being implemented to provide quantitative assessments of status and trends in the condition of ecological resources within the United States. In 1992 the EMAP Arid Ecosystems Resource Group (EMAP-Arid) conducted a pilot study in the southeastern Utah portion of the Colorado Plateau. This report describes the results of that pilot study. This was the first field activity for the £MAP-Arid group and evaluates several indicators of arid ecosystem condition; assessing the ecological condition of the Colorado Plateau was beyond the scope of this initial study. Section 2 describes the study objectives, study area. site selection and sample plot design. Section 3 gives the indicator measurement methods. Sections 4-7 provides results for the study objectives. Included in Sections 8 are recommendations for 1993 and 1994 pilot studies. The results of this study will be used for continued indicator development and future implementation of the Arid Ecosystem monitoring program.