Review of In-Place Treatment Techniques for Contaminated Surface Soils - Volume 1: Technical Evaluation

Ronald Sims
Jeffery Bass
Naomi P. Barkley
Utah Water Research Laboratory
U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Department of Commerce
United States Enviornmental Protection Agency, United States Enviornmental Protection Agency
Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response, Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response
Office of Emergency and Remedial Response, Office of Emergency and Remedial Response
Office of Research and Development, Office of Research and Development
Municipal Environmental Research Laboratory, Municipal Environmental Research Laboratory



This two-volume report presents information on in-place treatment technologies applicable to contaminated soils at shallow depths. This volume discusses the selection of the appropriate in-place treatment technology for a particular site and provides specific information on each technology. Volume 2 provides background information and relevant chemical data. Selection of in-place treatment technologies follows the process outlined in the National Contingency Plan. The type of in-place treatment (extraction, immobilization, degradation, attenuation, or reduction of volatiles) is determined on the basis of information available from the remedial investigation. Selection of a specific technology involves assessment of waste, soil, and site-specific variables. The technology is implemented if it is considered more cost-effective in comparison with the other alternatives.