Proceedings of the Second Biennial Conference on Research in Colorado Plateau National Parks
Transactions and Proceedings Series NPS/NRNAU/NRTP-95/11
On 25-28 October 1993 in Flagstaff, Arizona, the National Biological Service Colorado Plateau Research Station (formerly National Park Service Cooperative Park Studies Unit) and Northern Arizona University hosted the Second Biennial Conference of Research on the Colorado Plateau. The conference theme focused on research, inventory, and monitoring on federal, state, and private lands in the Colorado Plateau biogeographic province. This is the second volume of a planned series of Colorado Plateau Research Station proceedings that highlights research and resource management efforts related to physical, cultural, and natural resources within the Colorado Plateau biogeographic province. The 16 papers in this volume were selected from 68 posters and research papers presented at the Second Biennial Conference. Each paper represents original research and has been reviewed anonymously by three peers in that particular research discipline. This volume of proceedings, like the products of other symposia centered around particular themes will focus attention on some of the salient research being conducted within the Colorado Plateau. I expect this information to a stimulate additional support for work on resources of the Colorado Plateau. If the expectation is achieved, the organizational and editorial efforts of the past several years will have paid dividends. The papers naturally divide themselves into physical resources, cultural resources, and biological resources.