The Kern River 2003 Expansion Project Utah-Volume Vl Synthesis of Regional Archaeological Data

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Southwest Region


The Kern River 2003 Expansion Project consisted of the installation of a natural gas pipeline frorn near Opal. Wyoming to a terminus in the vicinity of Bakersfield, California. The project was an expansion of thc cxisting 36-inch diameter pipeline through the construction of 717 miles of additional 36 and 42 inch pipcline loops. several new compressor stations, and modifications to existing compressor stations, meter stations and various other supporting facilities. The project has been overseen by the Federal Energy Rcgulatory Commission (FERC), as well as the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), the United States Forest Scrvicc(USFS), and various state and tribal authorities. Cultural resources along the planned pipclinc expansion corridor were identified, assessed, and mitigated according to relevant historic prcscrvation laws. Various inventory reports, treatment plans, and mitigation reports have been produced for thc project in Wyoming, Utah, Nevada, and California. This document is one portion of the overall cultural resources mitigation report for the Utah portion of this project.