Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Applied Economics

Committee Chair(s)

Man-Keun Kim (Committee Chair)


Man-Keun Kim


Ruby Ward


Larry Rupp


Landscaping and nursery enterprises, commonly known as green industry enterprises, can be found everywhere in Utah, and are necessary to create both aesthetic appeal and human well-being in the built environment. In order to understand the impact that events such as economic shocks or policy changes may have on the green industry, the baseline performance and contribution of the industry must be specified for comparison following these shocks. This study provides a summary and evaluation of the current performance of the green industry in Utah, and estimates the industry’s contributions to Utah’s economy in terms of transactions between industries, employee compensation, and government tax revenue using economic multipliers from the IMPLAN (IMpact analysis for PLANning) model for Utah. While the green industry contributed less than 1% of overall employment and taxable sales in Utah in 2018, the follow-on economic impacts contributed by green industry activity are important to consider. More than 12 thousand green industry jobs distributed throughout the state stimulated an additional 6,679 jobs in the wider economy through business-to-business purchasing and employee spending.
