Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Departmental Honors


Plants, Soils, and Climate


Soil erosion has occurred since the beginning of time. It is a natural process, but one that has been increasing at an alarming rate. Once soil is eroded--whether it is blown out to sea or washed down a river to sedimentize a lake--it is lost. It is almost impossible to reestablish similar soil components and characteristics in a given system. Since soil and vegetation reestablishment is expensive, the prevention of soil erosion by controlling its causes has become the most cost-effective reclamation effort.

After spending six months in Iceland, I wrote this paper on the unique erosion problems facing that country. It is based on my observations, conversations, experiences, and studies while working and studying with Icelandic people.



Faculty Mentor

James J. Kennedy

Departmental Honors Advisor

Christopher A. Call

Capstone Committee Member

Daniel J. McInerney