Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Departmental Honors


Nutrition, Dietetics, and Food Sciences


Research Question: How can farmers' markets best implement the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) to increase sales and provide low income individuals with access to fresh, local produce?

This paper will discuss the use of SNAP benefits (formerly known as food stamps) at farmers' markets, with particular emphasis on the Cache Valley Gardener's Market as an example. Lack of access to adequate food is a major issue in the US. When farmers' markets work in conjunction with the federal SNAP program they can help individuals who struggle with food security to gain access to local food. There are many benefits of supporting a local food system including strengthening the local economy and promoting a more sustainable food supply. Several farmers' markets across the US have successfully implemented SNAP benefits to accommodate lower income individuals. This paper summarizes how to implement a SNAP program at a market, and examines how the program is run at the Cache Valley Gardener's Market. This paper also discusses current research regarding SNAP at farmers' markets to identify areas for improvement at markets currently accepting SNAP benefits.



Faculty Mentor

Tamara Steinitz

Departmental Honors Advisor

Janet Anderson