Aims & Scope | Intermountain West Journal of Religious Studies | Journals | Utah State University

Aims & Scope

A Unique Journal

The Intermountain West Journal of Religious Studies is a student initiative at Utah State University. The journal has been established to promote the academic study of religion among students through the publication of graduate and undergraduate research.

The journal is unique in two ways:

  1. The IMW Journal is managed by undergraduate and graduate students while the academic review board consists exclusively of professional scholars. Two students act as chief editors, one as managing editor, and a small team of six to ten serve as associate editors.
  2. The IMW Journal encourages submissions from students worldwide. Whereas the vast majority of undergraduate or graduate journals limit submissions to their respective universities, the IMW Journal actively promotes the study of religion across the globe. The journal is enhanced through diversity.


The Intermountain West Journal of Religious Studies has been established to promote the academic study of religion among students through the publication of graduate and undergraduate research.


The Intermountain West Journal of Religious Studies is made available electronically through the Program in Religious Studies at DigitalCommons@USU. In most other respects, however, it functions as a traditional scholarly journal. Submitted research articles, as well as discussions and critical notes, are subject to blind peer review.

Online Publishing

The dissemination of information online has three main advantages over publication in the traditional manner, namely: cost, speed, and ease of access. Other advantages of an electronic medium include keyword searching and the use of multimedia and hypertext formats.

Editorial Policy

The editors are committed to the widest dissemination for material published by the journal and will also explore possibilities for make the journal available in print. Readers will be notified as printed materials become available.

Open Access Policy

The University's Open Access Policy, to which the IMW Journal adheres, can be found here: