

Timothy Gervais

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Eusebius, in introducing his Ecclesiastical History, deemed it “an account of the successions of the holy apostles, as well as of the times which have elapsed from the days of our Savior to our own.”2 Written circa 325 CE, Ecclesiastical History draws upon the works of Christian historians and apologists from the previous three centuries, and represents a veritable “storehouse” of fragments of Christian and pagan authors otherwise non-extant.3 While it is fortunate that the writings of Eusebius have preserved reference to, and quotations from, otherwise lost manuscripts, the unilateral nature of the preservation makes reliable reconstruction of the content and contexts of these works difficult at best, and more often nearly impossible.4 Perhaps no fragments preserved by Eusebius are more paradigmatic of this difficulty than those of the second century Christian apologist Hegesippus.
