Feedback Seeking Following Career Transitions
Document Type
Journal/Book Title
Academy of Management Journal
Academy of Management
Publication Date
We examined how inquiring and monitoring for feedback from peers and supervisors changed over time for transferees. Hypotheses were grounded in uncertainty reduction and impression management theory. Results from a longitudinal study in which data were collected three times over a year indicated that monitoring for feedback from peers and supervisors remained constant over time, as did inquiry from supervisors, but that inquiry from peers declined. In addition, role clarity negatively influenced subsequent peer inquiry. Results suggest the need to examine how both uncertainty reduction and impression management concerns influence feedback seeking.
Recommended Citation
Callister, R. R., Kramer, M. W. & Turban, D. B. 1999. Feedback seeking following career transitions. Academy of Management Journal, 42: 429-438
Originally published by the Academy of Management. Publisher's PDF and article fulltext available through remote link via JSTOR.