Scanning Microscopy
Volume 10, Number 2 (1996)
Ion Beam Induced Charge Microscopy of Integrated Circuits
M. B. H. Breese
Micrographic Fracture Characterization of Gallium Arsenide Wafers
H. E. Belsinger Jr., L. D. T. Topoleski, and B. Wilner
Atomic Force Microscopy of DNA Electrophoresed onto Silylated Mica
Irène Revenko and Helen G. Hansma
Microhardness and Scanning Electron Microscopy Analysis of Nd:YAG Laser and Acid Treatment Effects in Dentin
J. M. White and G. L. Adams
Energy Dispersive X-Ray Microanalysis of the Dentin in Rat Molars after Corticosteroid Treatment
Karin Nasstrom, Rolf Odselius, and Arne Petersson
Enamel Prism Morphology in Molar Teeth of Small Eutherian Mammals
Elizabeth R. Dumont
Regenerating Synovial Lining of the Normal Rabbit Knee: A Scanning Electron Microscopy Study
Haim Stein and Daniel Levanon
Patterns of Calcium Oxalate Crystal Production by Three Species of Wood Decay Fungi
Jon H. Connolly, Howard J. Arnott, and Jody Jellison
Zeta Potential Measurement and Particle Size Analysis for a Better Understanding of Urinary Inhibitors of Calcium Oxalate Crystallization
L. C. Cao, G. Deng, E. R. Boeve, W. C. de Bruijn, R. de Water, C. F. Verkoelen, J. C. Romijn, and F. H. Schroder
Formation of Hydrated Calcium Oxalates in the Presence of Poly-L-Aspartic Acid
Jeffrey A. Wesson and Elaine Worcester
Inter-Alpha-Inhibitor: A Protein Family Involved in the Inhibition of Calcium Oxalate Crystallization
Fouad Atmani, Jacques Mizon, and Saeed R. Khan
Calcium Oxalate Crystallization in Urine of Healthy Men and Women: A Comparative Study
Niels-P. Buchholz, Dong Sun Kim, Phulwinder K. Grover, and Rosemary L. Ryall
Determinants of Weddellite Formation: Chondroitin Sulfates and Citrate Determine Weddellite Formation In Vitro
Kookmin M. Kim
Adhesion and Endocytosis of Calcium Oxalate Crystals on Renal Tubular Cells
Y. Kohjimoto, S. Ebisuno, M. Tamura, and T. Ohkawa
Crystallization During Volume Reduction of Solutions with an Ion-Composition Corresponding to that in the Distal Tubuli
Inge Hojgaard, Anne-Marie Fornander, Mari-Anne Nilsson, and Hans Goran Tiselius
The Nucleation and Growth of Calcium Phosphate Crystals at Protein and Phosphatidylserine Liposome Surfaces
G. H. Nancollas, A. Tsortos, and A. Zieba
Urinary Stone Proteins: An Update
J. P. Binette, M. B. Binette, M. A. Gawinowicz, and N. Kendrick
Role of Calcium Oxalate Monohydrate Crystal Interactions with Renal Epithelial Cells in the Pathogenesis of Nephrolithiasis: A Review
John C. Lieske, Mary S. Hammes, and F. Gary Toback
Studies on the Role of Urinary Macromolecules in Urolithiasis: Review of Methodologies and a Proposal for a Standard Reference Crystallization System
A. L. Rodgers and D. Jappie
Lectin-Cytochemistry of Experimental Rat Nephrolithiasis
W. C. de Bruijn, R. de Water, E. R. Boeve, P. R. W. A. van Run, P. J. Vermaire, P. P. M. C. van Miert, J. C. Romijn, C. F. Verkoelen, L. C. Cao, and F. H. Schroder
Pathological and Immunocytochemical Changes in Chronic Calcium Oxalate Nephrolithiasis in the Rat
R. de Water, E. R. Boeve, P. P. M. C. van Miert, C. P. Vermaire, P. R. W. A. van Run, L. C. Cao, W. C. de Bruijn, and F. H. Schroder
Experimental Nephrolithiasis in Rats: The Effect of Ethylene Glycol and Vitamin D3 on the Induction of Renal Calcium Oxalate Crystals
R. de Water, E. R. Boevé, P. P. M. C. van Miert, G. Deng, L. C. Cao, Th. Stijnen, W. C. de Bruijn, and F. H. Schröder