Scanning Microscopy
Volume 1994, Number 8 (1994) The Science of Biological Microanalysis
Measurement of Subcellular CA2+ Redistribution in Cardiac Muscle In Situ: Time Resolved Rapid Freezing and Electron Probe Microanalysis
Meredith Bond, Mark D. Schluchter, Eva Keller, and Christine S. Moravec
Quantitative Dark-Field Mass Analysis of Ultrathin Cryosections in the Field-Emission Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope
S. Brian Andrews, Roger A. Buchanan, and Richard D. Leapman
Changes of Ion and Water Content of Mouse Intestinal Cells After Pilocarpine and Isoproterenol Stimulation
Thomas von Zglinicki and Godfried M. Roomans
An X-Ray Microanalytical Study on the Effects of Ouabain and N-Ethyl Maleimide on the Elemental Concentrations in Malpighian Tubule Cells of Locusta
Natalia Pivovarova, John H. Anstee, and Ken Bowler
A New Versatile System for Freeze-Substitution, Freeze-Drying and Low Temperature Embedding of Biological Specimens
H. Sitte, L. Edelmann, H. Hässig, H. Kleber, and A. Lang
Improvements in Biological X-Ray Microanalysis: Cryoembedding for Specimen Preparation and Multivariate Statistical Analysis for Data Interpretation
C. Quintana and N. Bonnet
Quantitative Biological Electron Probe Microanalysis with a Wavelength Dispersive Spectrometer
A. Pogorelov, V. Pogorelova, N. V. Repin, and I. Mizin
Use of In Vitro Systems for X-Ray Microanalysis
Jarin Hongpaisan, Ann-Christin Mörk, and Godfried M. Roomans
Electron Probe X-Ray Microanalysis of Epithelial Cells: Aspects of Cryofixation
Karl Zierold, Hartmut Hentschel, Frank Wehner, and Armin Wessing
Electron Microprobe Analysis of Electrolytes in Whole Cultured Epithelial Cells
S. Borgmann, M. Granitzer, J. Crabbé, F. X. Beck, W. Nagel, and A. Dörge
X-Ray Microanalysis of Endocrine, Exocrine and Intestinal Cells and Organs in Culture: Technical and Physiological Aspects
Romuald Wróblewski and Joanna Wroblewski
Standardless Analysis of Biological Tissue Sections
W. A. P. Nicholson
Standards for X-Ray Microanalysis of Calcified Structures
J. A. Lopez-Escamez and A. Campos
Light Element X-Ray Microanalysis in Biology
A. T. Marshall
X-Ray Microanalysis with the Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope: Interpretation of Data Obtained Under Different Atmospheric Conditions
D. C. Sigee and C. Gilpin
Mapping Metal Distributions in Thin Cryosections without Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope with the Philips Electron Beam and Image Deflection (EBID) Unit
A. J. Morgan, J. M. Brock, C. Winters, and G. H. J. Lewis
Biological Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy in the Field-Emission Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope
R. D. Leapman, S. Q. Sun, J. A. Hunt, and S. B. Andrews
Energy-Filtering Transmission Electron Microscopy as a Tool for Structural and Compositional Analysis of Isolated Ferritin Particles
A. L. D. Beckers, W. C. de Bruijn, J. F. Jongkind, M. I. Cleton-Soeteman, R. P. Apkarian, and E. S. Gelsema
Image-EELS: A Synthesis of Energy-Loss Analysis and Imaging
Karl-Heinz Körtje
Signal and Image Manipulation in Microanalysis
P. W. Hawkes
The Principles of Proton Probe Microanalysis in Biology
G. J. F. Legge and M. Cholewa
New Applications of the Nuclear Microprobe for Biological Samples
Jan Pallon and Klas Malmqvist
Proton-Induced and Electron-Induced X-Ray Microanalysis of Insulin-Secreting Cells
Eva Pålsgård, Ulf Lindh, Lisa Juntti-Berggren, Per-Olof Berggren, Godfried M. Roomans, and Geoffrey W. Grime
Laser Microprobe Mass Spectrometry in Biology and Biomedicine
S. Eeckhaoudt, L. Van Vaeck, R. Gijbels, and R. E. Van Grieken
Ion Microscopy in Biology
George H. Morrison, Isabelle Gay, and Subhash Chandra
Optical Methods for Imaging Ionic Activities
Roger B. Moreton
Confocal Fluorescence Ratio Imaging of Ion Activities in Plant Cells
M. D. Fricker, M. Tlalka, J. Ermantraut, G. Obermeyer, M. Dewey, S. Gurr, J. Patrick, and N. S. White

This is the proceedings of the 12th Pfefferkorn Conference. Held September 27-30, 1993 at University of Cambridge, England.