
Scanning Microscopy

Volume 1994, Number 8 (1994) The Science of Biological Microanalysis



Use of In Vitro Systems for X-Ray Microanalysis
Jarin Hongpaisan, Ann-Christin Mörk, and Godfried M. Roomans


Electron Probe X-Ray Microanalysis of Epithelial Cells: Aspects of Cryofixation
Karl Zierold, Hartmut Hentschel, Frank Wehner, and Armin Wessing


Electron Microprobe Analysis of Electrolytes in Whole Cultured Epithelial Cells
S. Borgmann, M. Granitzer, J. Crabbé, F. X. Beck, W. Nagel, and A. Dörge


Energy-Filtering Transmission Electron Microscopy as a Tool for Structural and Compositional Analysis of Isolated Ferritin Particles
A. L. D. Beckers, W. C. de Bruijn, J. F. Jongkind, M. I. Cleton-Soeteman, R. P. Apkarian, and E. S. Gelsema


Proton-Induced and Electron-Induced X-Ray Microanalysis of Insulin-Secreting Cells
Eva Pålsgård, Ulf Lindh, Lisa Juntti-Berggren, Per-Olof Berggren, Godfried M. Roomans, and Geoffrey W. Grime


Laser Microprobe Mass Spectrometry in Biology and Biomedicine
S. Eeckhaoudt, L. Van Vaeck, R. Gijbels, and R. E. Van Grieken


Ion Microscopy in Biology
George H. Morrison, Isabelle Gay, and Subhash Chandra


Confocal Fluorescence Ratio Imaging of Ion Activities in Plant Cells
M. D. Fricker, M. Tlalka, J. Ermantraut, G. Obermeyer, M. Dewey, S. Gurr, J. Patrick, and N. S. White

This is the proceedings of the 12th Pfefferkorn Conference. Held September 27-30, 1993 at University of Cambridge, England.