Scanning Microscopy
Volume 4, Number 2 (1990)
A Critical Analysis of Techniques and Basic Phenomena Related to Deposition of High Temperature Superconducting Thin Films
Orlando Auciello, Alan R. Krauss, Angus I. Kingon, and Michael S. Ameen
Coal Mineral Analysis: A Check on Inter-Laboratory Agreement
G. S. Casuccio, F. A. Gruelich, G. Hamburg, F. E. Huggins, D. A. Nissen, and J. M. Vleeskens
Characterization of Kalimashi Chromite Ore (Albania) by Scanning Electron Microscopy
Giuseppe Bonifazi and Sokol Mati
Near-Field Scanning Electron Spin Resonance Microscopy
M. Ikeya, M. Furusawa, and M. Kasuya
Scanning Mechanical Microscopy of Laser Ablated Volumes Related to Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry
G. Remond, A. Batel, C. Roques-Carmes, D. Wehbi, I. Abell, and G. Seroussi
Applications of the Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope to Conservation Science
E. Doehne and D. C. Stulik
Fracture Toughness and Fractography of Dental Cements, Lining, Build-Up, and Filling Materials
H. J. Mueller
Scanning and Transmission Electron Microscopy, and Electron Probe Analysis of the Interface Between Implants and Host Bone
G. Daculsi, R. Z. LeGeros, and C. Deudon
Micro-PIXE (Proton-Induced X-Ray Emission) Study of the Effects of Fluoride on Mineral Distribution Patterns in Enamel and Dentin in the Developing Hamster Tooth Germ
D. M. Lyaruu, G. H. J. Tros, A. L. J. J. Bronckers, and J. H. M. Wöltgens
Osteoclast Cytomorphometry and Scanning Electron Microscopy of Bone Eroded Surfaces During Leukemic Disorders
Daniel Chappard, Jean François Rossi, Régis Bataillle, and Christian Alexandre
Morphology of Polyanhydride Microsphere Delivery Systems
E. Mathiowitz, D. Kline, and R. Langer
Scanning Electron Microscopy Analysis of Polyethylene Oxide Hydrogels for Blood Contact
Sylvie Laliberté Verdon, Elliot L. Chaikof, James E. Coleman, Lori L. Hayes, Raymond J. Connolly, Karen Ramberg, Edward W. Merrill, and Allan D. Callow
Healing of Prosthetic Arterial Grafts
G. Pasquinelli, A. Freyrie, P. Preda, T. Curti, M. D'Addato, and R. Laschi
Dermatophyte Morphology: A Scanning Electron Microscopy Study
R. Vazquez, J. M. Riesco, and A. Martin Pascual
Human Hair Morphology: A Scanning Electron Microscopy Study on a Male Caucasoid and a Computerized Classification of Regional Differences
W. M. Hess, R. E. Seegmiller, J. S. Gardner, J. V. Allen, and Susan Barendregt
Surface Phase Transition of Hydrated Calcium Oxalate Crystal in the Presence of Normal and Stone-Formers’ Urine
Mostafa Akbarieh and Rashad Tawashi
Bladder Stone in a Human Female: The Case of an Abnormally Located Intrauterine Contraceptive Device
Saeed R. Khan and Edward J. Wilkinson
X-Ray Microanalysis of Ca and K in Corn Bran and Oat Hulls
F. R. Dintzis, F. L. Baker, and T. C. Nelsen
Techniques for the Microanalysis of Higher Plants with Particular Reference to Silicon in Cryofixed Wheat Tissues
M. J. Hodson and A. G. Sangster
A Review on the Extension of Hall’s Method of Quantification to Bulk Specimen X-Ray Microanalysis
Imre Zs. -Nagy and T. Casoli
A Comparison of Three Low Temperature Techniques of Specimen Preparation for X-Ray Microanalysis
R. J. Condron and A. T. Marshall
Studies of Epithelial Electrolyte Transport by Marker Ions
A. Dörge and R. Rick
The State of Potassium in Skeletal Muscle and in Non-Muscle Cells
Carlton F. Hazlewood and Miklos Kellermayer
Scanning Electron Microscopy of Immuno-Gold Labeled Antigens Associated with Bladder Cancer
E. de Harven, J. G. Connolly, Y. Wang, W. Hanna, and G. Bootsma
Involvement of Interferon-System in the Regulation of Cell Growth and Differentiation
Samuel Salzberg, Dalia Hacohen, Sasson David, Sara Dovrat, Sharon Ahwan, Haim Gamliel, and Miriam Birnbaum
A Three-Dimensional Study of the Morphology and Topography of Pericytes in the Microvascular Bed of Skeletal Muscle
E. Gaudio, L. Pannarale, A. Caggiati, and G. Marinozzi