Scanning Microscopy
Volume 5, Number 4 (1991)
A Review of Scanning Tunneling Microscope and Atomic Force Microscope Imaging of Large Biological Structures: Problems and Prospects
B. L. Blackford, M. H. Jericho, and P. J. Mulhern
Surface Topographical and Compositional Characterization Using Backscattered Electron Methods
Dirk A. Wassink, Jerry Z. Raski, Joel A. Levitt, David Hildreth, and Kenneth C. Ludema
Increasing Resolution and Versatility in Low Temperature Conventional and Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy
William P. Wergin and Eric F. Erbe
Optimization Design for the Electron Emission System Using Improved Powell Method
Chang-xin Gu, Li-ying Shan, and Zhi-rong Chen
A Theory and Monte Carlo Calculation on Low Energy Electron Scattering in Solids
Yen-cai Ho, Zheng-yu Tan, Xin-lei Wang, and Jia-guang Chen
Microscopy of Mixed Surfaces on Layered Semiconductors
L. Margulis, D. Mahalu, B. Parkinson, and R. Tenne
Scanning Electron Acoustic Microscopy and Scanning Electron Microscopic Imaging of III-V Compounds Devices
J. F. Bresse
Application of the Nuclear Microprobe to the Imaging of Single Event Upsets in Integrated Circuits
K. M. Horn, B. L. Doyle, D. S. Walsh, and F. W. Sexton
Micro-PIXE (Particle-Induced X-Ray Emission Analysis) Applications in Minerals Research
S. H. Sie, C. G. Ryan, and G. F. Suter
Preparation and Characterization of Some Particulate Materials in the Aluminum Industry
A. Csordás-Tóth, B. Szikora, J. Kürthy-Komlósy, and I. Tassy
Microphotometric Quantification of Crystal Growth in Gels for the Study of Calcium Oxalate Urolithiasis
Wolfgang Achilles
Calcium Oxalate Crystal Growth in the Presence of Mucin
Mostafa Akbarieh and Rashad Tawashi
The Matrix of Urinary Tract Stones: Protein Composition, Antigenicity, and Ultrastructure
J. P. Binette and M. B. Binette
The Scanning Electron Microscope: How Valuable in the Evaluation of Small Bowel Mucosal Pathology in Chronic Childhood Diarrhea?
J. Rainer Poley
Cellular Basis of Aging in the Mammalian Heart
Piero Anversa and Joseph M. Capasso
The Role of the Spleen in Lymphocyte Migration
R. Pabst and J. Westermann
The Development of the Vascular System in Quail Embryos: A Combination of Microvascular Corrosion Casts and Immunohistochemical Identification
M. C. DeRuiter, B. Hogers, R. E. Poelmann, L. Vanlperen, and A. C. Gittenberger-de Groot
Sphincters in the Rat Pulmonary Veins. Comparison of Scanning Electron and Transmission Electron Microscopic Studies
S. Aharinejad, P. Böck, A. Lametschwandtner, P. Franz, and W. Firbas
Microvascularization of the Pleura in Rats and Guinea Pigs
S. Aharinejad, A. Lametschwandtner, P. Böck, and P. Franz
Correlation of Cochlear Pathology with Auditory Brainstem and Cortical Responses in Cats with High Frequency Hearing Loss
R. J. Mount, R. V. Harrison, S. G. Stanton, and A. Nagasawa
Morphological Correlates of Mechanotransduction in Acousticolateral Hair Cells
J. O. Pickles, G. W. Rouse, and M. von Perger
The Effect of Bacterial Endotoxin Upon the Morphology of the Tectorial Membrane and Stereocilia in the Guinea Pig Cochlea
S. D. Comis, M. P. Osborne, and M. J. Tarlow
Terminal Differentiation of Human Fibroblasts is Induced by Radiation
H. Peter Rodemann, Hans-Peter Peterson, Karla Schwenke, and K. -Hartmut von Wangenheim
Effects of Modulated and Continuous Microwave Irradiation on the Morphology and Cell Surface Negative Charge of 3T3 Fibroblasts
Z. Somosy, G. Thuróczy, T. Kubasova, J. Kovács, and L. D. Szabó
Effects of Photosensitization and Low-Power Helium-Neon Laser Irradiation on Liposomes and Cell Membranes
Timea Berki, P. Németh, L. Pótó, and A. Németh
Seed Testa Morphology of 18 Species of Rafnia Thunb. (Fam. Fabaceae, Sub-Family Papilionoideae)
G. R. Richardson and R. Cross
Epistomatal Wax Injury to Red Spruce Needles (Picea rubens Sarg.) Grown in Elevated Levels of Ozone and Acidified Rain
C. R. Krause and W. N. Cannon Jr.