Scanning Microscopy
Volume 8, Number 1 (1994)
Critical Point Mounting of Kinetoplast DNA for Atomic Force Microscopy
T. Thundat, R. J. Warmack, D. P. Allison, and K. B. Jacobson
Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope Examination of Paper in High Moisture Environment: Surface Structural Changes and Electron Beam Damage
Päivi Forsberg and Pierre Lepoutre
Ultrastructural Observations of the Argonaut Shell
P. R. Mitchell, P. P. Phakey, and W. A. Rachinger
Crystallization of Calcium Oxalate and Calcium Phosphate at Supersaturation Levels Corresponding to Those in Different Parts of the Nephron
Ján Lupták, Hanne Bek-Jensen, Anne-Marie Fornander, Inge Höjgaard, Mari-Anne Nilsson, and Hans-Göran Tiselius
Effects of Acute Acid Loading on the Risk of Calcium Phosphate and Calcium Oxalate Crystallization in Urine
P. J. Osther, J. Bollerslev, J. R. Nørgård, K. Engel, and P. Kildeberg
Effect of Urinary Macromolecules and Chondroitin Sulphate on Calcium Oxalate Crystallization in Urine
A. L. Rodgers, D. Ball, and W. Harper
Ultrastructural Alterations of Golgi Apparatus in the Nerve Cells of Cerebral Cortex in Human Hydrocephalus. A Qualitative Study Using Cortical Biopsies
Orlando J. Castejon, Melecio Diaz, and Consuelo Valero
Induction of Selective Inner Hair Cell Damage by Carboplatin
S. Takeno, R. V. Harrison, R. J. Mount, M. Wake, and Y. Harada
Ultrastructural Changes of the Vestibular Sensory Organs After Streptomycin Application on the Lateral Canal
Kwang-Sun Lee and Robert S. Kimura
The Microvasculature of the Larynx: A Scanning Electron Microscopic Study
Peter Franz and Seyedhossein Aharinejad
The Microvasculature of Human Infant Oral Mucosa Using Vascular Corrosion Casts and India Ink Injection II. Palate and Lip
Q. X. Yu, K. M. Pang, W. Ran, H. P. Philipsen, and X. H. Chen