Scanning Microscopy
Volume 8, Number 3 (1994)
Nanowriting on an Atomically Flat Gold Surface with Scanning Tunneling Microscope
C. Lebreton and Z. Z. Wang
Characterization of Metal Aggregates by Scanning Microscopy: Particle Sizes and Space Distribution in Intermetallic Particles
M. O. Delcourt, F. Yala, E. Merlen, S. Remita, N. Keghouche, and E. Delarue
Superstructures of Graphite Intercalation Compound Formed by Sodium-Hydroxide Solution Studied by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
Koji Miyake, Aiso Yoshiaki, Makoto Komiyama, and Hidemi Shigekawa
Molecular Imaging of Petroleum Asphaltenes by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy: Verification of Structure from 13C and Proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Data
G. W. Zajac, N. K. Sethi, and J. T. Joseph
Electron Spectroscopy and Atomic Force Microscopy Studies of DNA Adsorption on Mica
Carol E. Rabke, Lisa A. Wenzler, and Thomas P. Beebe Jr.
Adsorption of Fibrinogen on Thin Oriented Poly(Tetrafluoroethylene) (PTFE) Fibres Studied by Scanning Force Microscopy
J. R. Rasmusson, R. Erlandsson, W. R. Salaneck, M. Schott, D. T. Clark, and I. Lundström
Microdissection and Measurement of Polytene Chromosomes Using the Atomic Force Microscope
Curtis Mosher, Daniel Jondle, Linda Ambrosio, James Vesenka, and Eric Henderson
A New Atomic Force Microscopy Technique for the Measurement of the Elastic Properties of Biological Materials
W. Xu, P. J. Mulhern, B. L. Blackford, M. H. Jericho, and I. Templeton
Direct Observation by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy of the Two-Dimensional Lattice Structure of the S-Layer Sheath of the Archaeobacterium Methanospirillum hungatei GP1
B. L. Blackford, W. Xu, M. H. Jericho, P. J. Mulhern, M. Firtel, and T. J. Beveridge
Role of Agglomeration in the Early Stages of Papillar Stone Formation
O. Söhnel, F. Grases, and L. Garcia-Ferragut
Urinary Glycosaminoglycans are Selectively Included into Calcium Oxalate Crystals Precipitated from Whole Human Urine
Koji Suzuki, Keiko Mayne, Ian R. Doyle, and Rosemary L. Ryall
Urinary Citrate, Bone Resorption and Intestinal Alkali Absorption in Stone Formers with Fasting Hypercalciuria
Piergiorgio Messa, Giuseppe Mioni, L. Paganin, A. Cruciatti, P. Lo Greco, and D. Turrin
Etiology of Experimental Calcium Oxalate Monohydrate Nephrolithiasis in Rats
W. C. de Bruijn, E. R. Boevé, P. R. W. A. van Run, P. P. M. C. van Miert, J. C. Romijn, C. F. Verkoelen, L. C. Cao, and F. H. Schröder
Low Temperature Embedding of Chemically Unfixed Biological Material After Cryosorption Freeze-Drying
L. Edelmann
Multivariate Statistical Analysis Applied to X-Ray Spectra and X-Ray Mapping of Liver Cell Nuclei
Carmen Quintana and Noël Bonnet
Cryo-Jet Preservation of Calcium in the Rat Spinal Cord
William B. Greene and Lyle G. Walsh
Distribution of Sodium, Magnesium, Chlorine, Calcium, Potassium, Phosphorus and Sulphur in Z-, I- and A-Bands in Mammalian Striated Muscle
Romuald Wróblewski and Lars Edström
Effects of Modulated Microwave and X-Ray Irradiation on the Activity and Distribution of Ca2+-ATPase in Small Intestine Epithelial Cells
Z. Somosy, G. Thuróczy, G. J. Köteles, and J. Kovács
Is There a Cell-to-Cell Contact Effect on the X-Ray Dose-Survival Response of Mammalian Cells?
Nandanuri M. S. Reddy, Krystyna A. Cieszka, Samuil Rozenblyum, and Christopher S. Lange
Cell Injury and Apoptosis
Andrejs Liepins and J. Omar Bustamante
Radiation Induced Membrane Changes and Programmed Cell Death: Possible Interrelationships
F. Ojeda, H. A. Diehl, and H. Folch
Ultrastructural Features of Apoptosis
Elisabetta Falcieri, Pietro Gobbi, Loris Zamai, and Marco Vitale
Ultrastructural Patterns of Cell Damage and Death Following Gamma Radiation Exposure of Murine Erythroleukemia Cells
R. Di Pietro, E. Falcieri, L. Centurione, M. A. Centurione, G. Mazzotti, and R. Rana
Morphologic Changes of Apoptosis Induced in Human Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia "Blast" Cells by SC41661A (Searle), A Selective Inhibitor of 5-Lipoxygenase
K. M. Anderson, T. M. Seed, J. Peng, A. Jajeh, J. Meng, and J. E. Harris
Scanning Electron Microscopic Examination of the Putative Olfactory Structures Possessed by the Phorid Fly, Megaselia halterata (Diptera, Phoridae)
R. M. Pfeil, R. A. Walsh, and R. O. Mumma
Scanning Electron Microscopic Study of the Collagen Sheath of the Human Thyroid Gland and Its Disorders
Masao Morita, Takuro Ogata, and Keijiro Araki
Investigation of Touch-Sensitive Responses by Hyphae of the Human Pathogenic Fungus Candida albicans
N. A. R. Gow, T. H. S. Perera, J. Sherwood-Higham, G. W. Gooday, D. W. Gregory, and D. Marshall
Formation and Structure of Dentine in the Rat Incisor After Chronic Exposure to Sodium Fluoride
J. Appleton
Diluted and Undiluted Mercox Severely Destroy Unfixed Endothelial Cells. A Light and Electron Microscopic Study Using Cultured Endothelial Cells and Tadpole Tail Fin Vessels
J. Gassner, A. Lametschwandtner, T. Weiger, and H. C. Bauer
Epicuticular Wax Load of Near-Isogenic Barley Lines Differing in Glaucousness
A. Febrero and J. L. Araus