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First Results from a Comparison of Ground-Based Ionospheric Measurements in the Southern Hemisphere and the USU Global Ionospheric Model
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Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research Special Issue
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The F-layer parameters N_mF_2 and h_mF_2 have been derived from measurements made at two Antarctic stations for quiet days during the austral summer and winter of 1982. Siple (76°S, 84°W) and Halley (76°S, 27°W) are both sited near L≈4.2 and use essentially identical digital HF sounding radars. Even under quiet conditions, systematic differences in N_mF_2 and h_mF_2 can be observed at the two sites. Insight into the source of these differences can be obtained from a comparison of the ionospheric data with theoretical data derived from the USU global ionospheric model. Under austral winter conditions, a relatively good model-observational comparison is obtained. However, for austral summer conditions this agreement is poorer, apparently due to the simplicity of the neutral wind incorporated into the ionospheric model.
Recommended Citation
Berkey, F. T., J. J. Sojka, and M. J. Jarvis, First results from a comparison of ground-based ionospheric measurements in the southern hemisphere and the USU global ionospheric model, Mem. Natl. Inst. Polar Res., Spec. Issue, 48, 278–286, 1987.
Originally published by National Institute of Polar Research. Publisher PDF available through remote link.