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Equatorialionosphere sunset electrodynamics in the American sector from SUNDIAL December 1988campaign results
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Geomagnetizm i Aeronomiia
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During the December 3-4, 1988 SUNDIAL campaign, coordinated ionospheric measurements were conducted using the low latitude networks of ionosondes and magnetometers distributed at different longitude sectors of the globe and the Jicamarca radar. The results for the American longitude sector are analyzed here to examine outstanding features of the sunset F-region electric field developments at Jicamarca and at the Brazilian stations, Fortaleza and Cachoeira Paulista, during the 8-day interval that represented predominantly quiet (except December 3 and 11 that were weakly disturbed) geomagnetic conditions. A comparative study, carried out for the first time, on the simultaneous measurements of F-region plasma vertical drift velocity by Jicamarca radar and the equivalent drift velocity measured by Fortaleza ionosonde testifies the existence, previously known, of the large difference in the evening prereversal electric field developments at the two locations.
Recommended Citation
Abdu, M. A., B. G. Fejer, I. S. Batista, J. H. A. Sobral, and E. P. Szuszczewicz, Equatorial ionosphere sunset electrodynamics in the American sector from SUNDIAL December 1988 campaign results, Geomag. Aeron. (Russian Edition), 33 (1), 16, 1993.