All Physics Faculty Publications
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Journal of High Energy Physics
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Publication Date
Award Number
NSF, Division of Physics (PHY) 1720364
NSF, Division of Physics (PHY)
Arxiv Identifier
1805.04823 [hep-th]
The geometry of the N=3" role="presentation">N=3, SO(4)-invariant, AdS4 solution of massive type IIA supergravity that uplifts from the N=3" role="presentation">N=3 vacuum of D = 4 N=8" role="presentation">N=8 dyonic ISO(7) supergravity is investigated. Firstly, a D = 4, SO(4)-invariant restricted duality hierarchy is constructed and used to uplift the entire, dynamical SO(4)-invariant sector to massive type IIA. The resulting consistent uplift formulae are used to obtain a new local expression for the N=3" role="presentation">N=3 AdS4 solution in massive IIA and analyse its geometry. Locally, the internal S6 geometry corresponds to a warped fibration of S2 and a hemisphere of S4. This can be regarded as a warped generalisation of the usual twistor fibration geometry. Finally, the triplet of Killing spinors corresponding to the N=3" role="presentation">N=3 solution are constructed and shown to obey the massive type IIA Killing spinor equations.
Recommended Citation
De Luca, G. B., Monaco, G. L., Macpherson, N. T., Tomasiello, A., & Varela, O. (2018). The geometry of N=3 AdS4 in massive IIA. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2018(8), 133. https://doi.org/10.1007/JHEP08(2018)133