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Contrasting roles for host plant recognition in Group IX Ips and solitary bees, James H. Cane; Entomological Society of America, national meeting
Nest demographics and foraging behavior of Apterostigma collare Emery (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) provide evidence of colony independence, T. L. Pitts-Singer and K. E. Espelie; Insectes Sociaux
A review of the Sphaeropthalma uro species-group (Hymenoptera: Mutillidae), with taxonomic changes, J. P. Pitts, Frank D. Parker, and T. L. Pitts-Singer; Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society
A host record for Dasymutilla stevensi Mickel from Capitol Reef National Park, Utah, Vincent J. Tepedino and J. L. Pitts; The Pan-Pacific Entomologist
Host-switching does not circumvent the Ni-based defence of the Ni hyperaccumulator Streptanthus polygaloides (Brassicaceae), M. A. Davis, R. S. Boyd, and James H. Cane; South African Journal of Science
A new host record for Pseudodacteon crawfordi (Diptera: Phoridae), J. P. Pitts and T. L. Pitts-Singer; Florida Entomologist
Influence of guidelines and passageways on tunneling behavior of Reticulitermes flavipes (Kollar) and R. virginicus (Banks) (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae), T. L. Pitts-Singer and B. T. Forschler; Journal of Insect Behavior
First record of Leptopodidae in Washington State, R. C. Zack, C. N. Looney, M. L. Hitchcox, and James P. Strange; The Pan-Pacific Entomologist
Nest and nestmate recognition by a fungus-growing ant, Apterostigma collare Emery (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), T. L. Pitts-Singer and K. E. Espelie; Ethology
Nest and nestmate discrimination in independent-founding paper wasps, T. L. Pitts-Singer, K. E. Espelie, and G. J. Gamboa; Pheromone Communication in Social Insects: Ants, Wasps, Bees, and Termites
Exposure to nest paper hydrocarbons is important for nest recognition by a social wasp, Polistes metricus Say (Hymenoptera, Vespidae), T. L. Pitts-Singer and K. E. Espelie; Insectes Sociaux
Nest surface hydrocarbons facilitate nestmate recognition for the social wasp, Polistes metricus Say (Hymenoptera: Vespidae), T. L. Pitts-Singer and K. E. Espelie; Journal of Insect Behavior
Review of Sarah K. Gess’s “The pollen wasps”, Vincent J. Tepedino and Phillip F. Torchio; The Quarterly Review of Biology
Susceptibility of Ips calligraphus (Germar) and Dendroctonus frontalis Zimmermann (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) to coleopteran-active Bacillus thuringiensis, a bacterial metabolite, and Avermectin B1, James H. Cane, H. Cox, and W. Moar; The Canadian Entomologist
Insemination capability of male Pteromalus venustus (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae), a gregarious parasitoid of Megachile rotundata (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae), Vincent J. Tepedino; PSYCHE
Influence of Habitat, Season, and Attractant on Adult Behavior of the Screwworm (Diptera, Calliphoridae) in A Tropical Dry Zone in Costa-Rica, Frank D. Parker, J. B. Welch, and R. B. Matlock; Journal of Economic Entomology
Inefficacy of courtship stridulation as a pre-zygotic ethological mating barrier for Ips bark beetles (Coleoptera: Scolytidae), E. E. Lewis and James H. Cane; Annals of the Entomological Society of America
Monitoring Adult-Populations of the Screwworm (Diptera, Calliphoridae) with Feeding Stations Baited with Liver, Frank D. Parker and J. B. Welch; Journal of Economic Entomology
Discriminant analysis of the cuticular hydrocarbons of social wasp Polistes exclamans Viereck and the surface hydrocarbons of its nest paper and pedicel, T. L. Pitts-Singer, M. A. Camann, and K. E. Espelie; Journal of Chemical Ecology
Social wasps use nest paper hydrocarbons for nestmate recognition, T. L. Pitts-Singer and K. E. Espelie; Animal Behaviour
Ultrastructural and chemical examination of paper and pedicel from laboratory and field nests of the social wasp Polistes metricus Say, T. L. Pitts-Singer, K. E. Espelie, and D. S. Himmelsbach; Journal of Chemical Ecology
Aggregation pheromones induce interspecific pairing between two sibling Ips species (Coleoptera: Scolytidae), J. W. Fox, D. L. Wood, and James H. Cane; Journal of Chemical Ecology
Alternative to Sentinel Animals for Collecting Egg Masses from Wild Females of the Screwworm (Diptera, Calliphoridae), Frank D. Parker and J. B. Welch; Journal of Economic Entomology
Field Comparisons of Attractants for the Screwworm Fly (Diptera, Calliphoridae) in A Tropical Dry Forest in Costa-Rica, Frank D. Parker and J. B. Welch; Journal of Economic Entomology
Influence of Attractants on Behavior of Screwworms (Diptera, Calliphoridae) in A Tropical Wet Forest in Costa-Rica, Frank D. Parker and J. B. Welch; Journal of Economic Entomology
Phylogenetic relationships of Ips bark beetles (Coleoptera: Scolytidae): Electrophoretic and morphometric analyses of the grandicollis group, James H. Cane, M. W. Stock, D. L. Wood, and S. J. Gast; Biochemical Systematics and Ecology
Attraction of a pinyon pine bark beetle, Ips hoppingi, to conspecific and I. confusus pheromones (Coleoptera: Scolytidae), James H. Cane and D. L. Wood; Journal of Chemical Ecology
Ancestral semiochemical attraction persists for adjoining populations of sibling Ips bark beetles (Coleoptera: Scolytidae), James H. Cane, D. L. Wood, and J. Fox; Journal of Chemical Ecology
Pheromonal specificity of Southeastern Ips pine bark beetles reflects phylogenetic divergence (Coleoptera: Scolytidae), E. E. Lewis and James H. Cane; The Canadian Entomologist
Stridulation as a primary antipredator defence of a beetle, E. E. Lewis and James H. Cane; Animal Behavior
Repulsion of three chalcid parasitoids of the alfalfa leafcutting bee, Megachile rotundata (F.) by the fungicides CAPTAN and DPX, Vincent J. Tepedino; The Pan-Pacific Entomologist
Host discrimination in Monodontomerus obsoletus Fabricius (Hymenoptera: Torymidae), a parasitoid of the alfalfa leafcutting bee, Megachile rotundata (Fabricius) (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae), Vincent J. Tepedino; Journal of the New York Entomological Society
Male competition and mating behavior within mating aggregations of Glenostictia satan Gillaspy (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae), R. W. Longair, James H. Cane, and L. Elliott; Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society
Host records and nest entry by Dolichostelis, a kleptoparasitic anthidiine bee (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae), Frank D. Parker, J. H. Cane, G. W. Frankie, and S. B. Vinson; The Pan-Pacific Entomologist
Nests and nest associates of two "red" Odynerus wasps (Hymenoptera: Eumenidae), Frank D. Parker; Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society
Notes on the biology of Odynerus dilectus (Hym.: Eumenidae), a predator of the alfalfa weevil, Hypera Postica (Col.: Curculionidae), George E. Bohart, Frank D. Parker, and Vincent J. Tepedino; Entomophaga
Observations on the Provisioning Behavior of Ammophila Aberti Haldeman (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae), Frank D. Parker, Vincent J. Tepedino, and D. L. Vincent; PSYCHE
Nest defense and foraging ethology of a neotropical sand wasp, Bembix multipicta (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae), James H. Cane and M. M. Miyamoto; Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society
Notes on the flower-visiting habits of Pseudomasaris vespoides (Hymenoptera: Masaridae), Vincent J. Tepedino; Southwestern Entomologist
Defense against parasitization in mud-nesting Hymenoptera: Can empty cells increase net reproductive output?, Vincent J. Tepedino, L. L. McDonald, and R. Rothwell; Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology
Mortality factors affecting Eurosta solidaginis (Diptera: Tephritidae), James H. Cane and F. E. Kurczewski; Journal of the New York Entomological Society
Spechid Wasps of the World, Frank D. Parker; Spechid Wasps of the World
Effectiveness of Triahogramma spp. in parasitizing eggs of Pieris rapae and Triahoplusia ni in the laboratory, Frank D. Parker and R. E. Pinnell; Environmental Entomology
Effect on food consumption of the imported cabbageworm when parasitized by two species of Apanteles, Frank D. Parker and R. E. Pinnell; Environmental Entomology
On the Subfamily Astatinae. Part VII. The Genus Diploplectron Fox (Hymenoptera: Specidae), Frank D. Parker; Annals of the Entomological Society of America
Effectiveness of Trichogramma spp. in Parasitizing Eggs of Pieris rapae and Trichoplusia ni. 1. Field Studies, Frank D. Parker and R. E. Pinnell; Environmental Entomology
Further studies of the biological control of Pieris papae using supplemental host and parasite releases, Frank D. Parker and R. E. Pinnell; Environmental Entomology
Sapyga pumila Cresson, a parasite of Megachile rotundata (F.) (HymenopteraL Sapygidae; Megachilidae) I: biology and description of immature stages, Phillip F. Torchio; Melandria, Washington State Entomological Society
Sapyga pumila Cresson, a Parasite of Megachile rotundata (F.) (Hymenoptera: Sapygidae; Megachilidae). II methods for control, Phillip F. Torchio; Melandria, Washington State Entomological Society
Suppression of Pieris rapae (L.) using a new control system: Mass releases of both the pest and its parasites, Frank D. Parker, F. R. Lawson, and R. E. Pinnell; Journal of Economic Entomology
Overwintering of Some Trichogramma spp. in Missouri, Frank D. Parker and R. E. Pinnell; Journal of Economic Entomology
New North American Microdynerus With Notes on the Nests of Two Species, Frank D. Parker; The Pan-Pacific Entomologist
Seasonal Mortality and Survival of Pieris rapae (L.) in Missouri and the Effect of Introducing an Egg Parasite, Trichogramma evanescens Westwood, Frank D. Parker; Annals of the Entomological Society of America
Rearing the Imported Cabbageworm Parasite, Aparteles rubecula, in the Laboratory, Frank D. Parker and R. E. Pinnell; Journal of Economic Entomology
The introduction of Apanteles rubecula into the United States as a parasite of the imported cabbageworm, B. Puttler, Frank D. Parker, R. E. Pinnell, and S. E. Thewke; Journal of Economic Entomology
The ethology of the wasp, Pseudomasaris Edwardsii (Cresson), and a description of its immature forms (Hymenoptera: Vespoidea, Masaridae), Phillip F. Torchio; Contributions in Science, Los Angeles County Museum
On the subfamily Astatinae . Part VI. The Arnerican species in the genus Dryudella Spinola (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae), Frank D. Parker; Annals of the Entomological Society of America
On the subfamily Astatinae. Part IV. The South American species in the genus Astata Latreille, Frank D. Parker; Annals of the Entomological Society of America
Host-parasite associations in some twig nesting Hymenoptera from western North America. Part II, Frank D. Parker and R. M. Bohart; The Pan-Pacific Entomologist
Notes on the Nests of Three Species of Pseudomasaris Ashmead (Hymenoptera: Masaridae), Frank D. Parker; The Pan-Pacific Entomologist
On the subfamily Astatinae, Part V. Notes on the Caribbean species in the genus Astata Latreille, Frank D. Parker; The Pan-Pacific Entomologist
Notes on Triepeolus remigatus (Fabricius), a "Cuckoo Bee" Parasite of the Squash Bee, Xenoglossa strenua (Cresson) (Hymenoptera: Apoidea), George E. Bohart; The Pan-Pacific Entomologist
A Revision of the Genus Larropsis Patton (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae), George E. Bohart and R. M. Bohart; Transactions of the Entomological Society of America
A review of the genus Xenosphex Williams with biological notes, Frank D. Parker; The Pan-Pacific Entomologist
A revision of the North American species in the genus Leptochilus (Hymenoptera: Eumenidae), Frank D. Parker; Miscellaneous Publications
On the subfamily Astatinae, Part III. A new genus of Mexican Astatinae with notes on related genera, Frank D. Parker; Annals of the Entomological Society of America
A new genus of solitary wasps (Hymenoptera: Eumenidae) from southwestern North America, Frank D. Parker; Annals of the Entomological Society of America
Host-parasite associations in some twig-nesting Hymenoptera from western North America, Frank D. Parker and R. M. Bohart; The Pan-Pacific Entomologist
Systematic and biological notes on the tribe Platymantispini (Neuroptera: Mantispidae) and the description of a new species of Plega from Mexico, Frank D. Parker and L. R. Strange; The Canadian Entomologist
A chalcid wasp parasite of the alfalfa leaf-cutting bee, Phillip F. Torchio; Farm and Home Science
A revision of the Larropsis subgenus Ancistroma Fox (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae), R. M. Bohart and George E. Bohart; Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington
Photographing Insects Close Up, William P. Nye and George E. Bohart; Journal of Biological Photography
New Records of Hornia minutipennis Riley, With Notes on its Biology (Coleoptera, Meloidae), George E. Bohart and Richard B. Selander; Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington
The Biology of Zonitis atripennis flavida Leconte (Coleoptera: Meloidae), Richard B. Selander and George E. Bohart; Wasmann Journal of Biology
Notes on Food Habits of the Western Harvester Ant, George E. Bohart and George F. Knowlton; Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington
Notes on Mating, Prey Provisioning, and Nesting of Sphex procerus (Dahlbom), George E. Bohart and George F. Knowlton; Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington
Tribe Larrini (in Hymenoptera of America North of Mexico), George E. Bohart; Agronomy Monograph
Filth-inhabiting flies of Guam, George E. Bohart and J. Linsley Gressitt; Bernice P. Bishop Museum Bulletin
The Sarcophagidae of Guam (Diptera), David G. Hall and Geroge E. Bohart; Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington
Insect Food of the Vesper Sparrow, Georger F. Knowlton and William P. Nye; Journal of Economic Entomology
The Phorid Flies of Guam, George E. Bohart; Proceedings of the United States National Museum
Some Records of Parasitism of Solitary Bees by Conopid Flies, John W. MacSwain and George E. Bohart; The Pan-Pacific Entomologist
A Simple Method for Mounting Aphids, William P. Nye; The Pan-Pacific Entomologist
Three New Muscoid Flies from Guam, George E. Bohart and J. Linsley Gressitt; Annnals of the Entomological Society of America
Lizards Feeding on Ants in Utah, George F. Knowlton and William P. Nye; Journal of Economic Entomology
Some Insect Food of the Sage Sparrow, George F. Knowlton and William P. Nye; Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society
Keys to the mosquitoes of the Australasian Region, K. L. Knight, R. M. Bohart, and George E. Bohart
Observations on the Nocturnal Activity of Anopheles and Certain Other Mosquitoes in Eastern Puerto Rico, A. A. Weathersbee and George E. Bohart; Puerto Rico Journal of Public Health and Tropical Medicine
Notes on Some Feeding and Hibernation Habits of California Polistes (Hymenoptera, Vespidae), George E. Bohart; The Pan-Pacific Entomologist
A Review of the Genus Physocephala of the Western United States (Diptera, Conopidae), George E. Bohart; The Pan-Pacific Entomologist
The Oviposition of Conopid Flies Upon Smaller Andrenid Bees, George E. Bohart; The Pan-Pacific Entomologist
Winter Insect Collecting in Mexico, George E. Bohart and N. Stahler; The Pan-Pacific Entomologist
A record of Physocephala affinis Williston as a parasite of adult Bembix comata Parker, George E. Bohart and John W. MacSwain; The Pan-Pacific Entomologist
Notes on Two Chrysidids Parasitic on Western Bembicid Wasps (Hymenoptera), George E. Bohart and John W. MacSwain; The Pan-Pacific Entomologist
The Life History of the Sand Wasp, Bembix occidentalis beutenmuelleri Fox, and its Parasites, George E. Bohart and John W. MacSwain; Bulletin, Southern California Academy of Sciences
Utah Coleoptera, a List of Buprestidae, Cerambycidae, and Scolytidae, William P. Nye and G. F. Knowlton; Utah Agricultural Experiment Station Mimeograph Series
Synopsis of the Genus Dalmannia in North America (Diptera, Conopidae), George E. Bohart; The Pan-Pacific Entomologist