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Journal of Geophysical Research



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Scattereds olaru ltravioletl ight in the spectral region from 250 to 320 nm was measured from a balloon platform at altitudes ranging from 14.5 to 38.8 km with a wavelengthr esolutiono f approximately0 .3 nm and an accuracyin determiningth ew avelengthp ositiono f 0.5 nm. We usedt heses catterd atat o comparea ndv alidatea single scatteringm odel developedf or this purpose. Using these semi-empiricarl esults,w e constructedth e singles cattered component of the ultraviolet irradiance as a function of height and wavelength. From these data, it is possible to determinet he percentaged issociationra te of a variety of speciesd ue to scatteredu ltravioletr adiation. Theser esults are presenteda s a ratio of intensitiesR = I•/(I0+I0, where I• is the first order scatteringa nd I0 is the direct attenuated radiation from the sun. The attenuated direct radiation from the sun can be multiplied by the factor 1/(l-R), the Rayleigha mplificationr atio usedb y Nicolet et al. (1982), to include the contribution to the irradiance from first order scattered light. The results are multiplied by a cross sectiono f the speciesu nder considerationto obtain the dissociationra tes. Ozoneo verburdena nd an approximate ozone particle density altitude profile are obtained when validating the single scatter model.
