
Technical Session I: New Applications & Sensor Technology


This paper presents the design for a low cost, light satellite used to aid in the control of vector-borne diseases like malaria. The 340 kg satellite contains both a synthetic aperture radar and a visual/infrared multispectral scanner for remotely sensing the region of interest. Most of the design incorporates well established technology, but innovative features include the Pegasus launch vehicle, low mass and volume SAR and VIS/IR sensors, integrated design, low power SAR operation, microprocessor power system control, and advanced data compression and storage. This paper describes the main design considerations of the project which include, the remote sensing task, implementation for malaria control, launch vehicle, orbit, satellite bus, and satellite Subsystems.


Aug 27th, 12:14 PM

MEDSAT: A Small Satellite for Malaria Early Warning and Control

This paper presents the design for a low cost, light satellite used to aid in the control of vector-borne diseases like malaria. The 340 kg satellite contains both a synthetic aperture radar and a visual/infrared multispectral scanner for remotely sensing the region of interest. Most of the design incorporates well established technology, but innovative features include the Pegasus launch vehicle, low mass and volume SAR and VIS/IR sensors, integrated design, low power SAR operation, microprocessor power system control, and advanced data compression and storage. This paper describes the main design considerations of the project which include, the remote sensing task, implementation for malaria control, launch vehicle, orbit, satellite bus, and satellite Subsystems.